Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Start the configuration application

On your Microsoft Windows desktop, click the Start menu and navigate to Access Rights Manager - Configuration to open the Configuration application.

Log in

After you install ARM for the first time, the user who performed the installation is the only user who can log in to the application. You can add additional ARM users as required.

After you start the Configuration application, the log in window displays.

  1. Select your user credentials.
  2. Click Options to switch to advanced log in options.
  3. Click Language and select a user interface language. The available languages are English, German, and French.
  4. (Distributed environment only) Click Register App and enter the initialization code. You can obtain the initialization code in the web console at Settings > Connection Security.
  5. Click Login.

Advanced login options

  1. Enter the name of the ARM server.

    For example:


    If you are working locally on the ARM server, you can also use:


  2. Select a port.

    By default, port 55555 is used for communications between the ARM server.

    See the system requirements for additional information about the port requirements.

    See Configure ARM applications to use custom RPC port range for instructions on how to limit the ARM main and configuration applications to use a specific RPC port range.

  3. (Distributed environment only) Specify the Initiation code.

  4. On click of <Certificate>, it displays Server Certificate details including Fingerprint details. <Certificate> link will be available only when ARM Server and port details are provided.

  5. Click the checkbox to confirm the certificate details.

    Login will be successful only after confirmation of certificate details
  6. Click Login.