Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Remove direct permissions in bulk (web client)

Background / Value

Direct permissions should be avoided and replaced by group permissions. Firstly, direct access rights are inefficient because every user is managed independently. Secondly, with native tools every directory needs to be examined individually to ensure the removal of all direct permissions. Access Rights Manager shows you all direct access rights on your file server(s). You can remove them in bulk using the web client.


Related features

Change password options in bulk (web client)

Remove unresolved SIDs in bulk (web client)


Step-by-step process

  1. Select "Analysis".
  2. Select the category "Directories".
  3. Click "Directories with direct access".


  1. Select the file servers.
  2. Start the calculation.


  1. Access Rights Manager lists all directories with direct access.
  2. Use sorting, filtering, grouping and column selection to locate the desired rows.
  3. Select the desired entries.
  4. Click "Remove ACE".


  1. Leave a comment.
  2. Click "Execute Action".

The job will be transferred to the Access Rights Manager server and executed there. You can find the status in Jobs overview.