Move objects in Active Directory (web client)
You can use ARM to move objects, user accounts, group accounts and computers from one organizational unit (OU) into another. This task may be required if a user moves location or new group policies when applicable. ARM documents all movement among OUs.
Log in to the Access Rights Manager application.
On the toolbar, click Analyze > New analyze session. The Analysis screen is displayed.
Under Categories, select AD users.
Under Scenarios, click All AD user accounts.
Create a list of all Active Directory user accounts for one or more domains.
In the Domain name box, set the options for the scenario.
b. Click Start calculation for your scenario.The All AD User Accounts screen is displayed that includes a list of all Active Directory user accounts based on your selection.
Use the sorting, filtering, grouping and column selections to narrow your selection.
Select the check boxes that correspond with the targeted entries.
In the right column under Available Actions, click Move object.
Select Target path from the window.
(Required) Enter a comment regarding the Selected AD Group.
Click Immediately to execute the task or select another option.
ARM administrators can view the status in the task overview scenario.
This functionality is also accessible in other sections like Account and Cockpit, supporting multiple selections as long as they are of the same type and domain.