Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Create and delete contacts

Background / Value

With ARM, you can documented create contacts and manage them quickly, e.g. to add them to distribution groups.


Related features

Manage distribution group memberships


Step-by-step process

  1. Select Start.
  2. Click Create new user or group.


Select a template to create a contact.

ARM provides a sample template for the creation of contacts. You must customize this template before you can use it. See Customize Access Rights Manager templates.

ARM creates contacts using the Exchange Powershell connection. Therefore, an Exchange resource configuration including the preparation of Exchange has to be completed.


  1. Specify an OU.
  2. Enter names and email addresses.
  3. You must enter a comment.
  4. Start the process.


  1. Use the search to find a contact.
  2. Click on the search result.


  1. ARM switches to the Accounts view.
  2. Right-click the contact.
  3. Select Delete account.


  1. ARM shows the contact to be deleted.
  2. ARM displays the credentials used to delete the contact. Specify other credentials if necessary.
  3. You must enter a comment.
  4. Start the execution.