Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

File Server Logga

Security risks often occur when temporary access rights to sensitive documents are granted to unauthorized employees. As a result, these documents can be read, deleted, or copied. If the access rights are removed immediately after the security incident occurs, the incident remains undiscovered. Who copied which files can no longer be resolved.

IT administrators cannot improve access rights assignments if the current state cannot be analyzed. Who grants rights? Where do access issues usually occur? Which activities require additional coordination? Only by analyzing past mistakes can you implement a sensible access rights process for your organization.

ARM provides transparency over the access rights on your file server. FS Logga expands this transparency to the entire access and change history in your system. Actions performed outside of ARM are captured. Temporary access rights and other changes with security implications are clarified. By configuring reports, you can identify differences in your access rights structure. Access and changes of sensitive data, including deleting copying, moving, and modifying are logged with the FS Logga.

Using FS Logga, you can:

  • Provide administrators with a complete picture of all performed actions on a targeted file server. This allows you to optimize your access rights processes.

  • Enable auditors to identify security incidents related to sensitive data, including all involved employees.

  • Provide IT management with the necessary data they need to implement security and process improvements.

See the following topics for more information.