Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Configure AD resources

The AD resource configuration includes several controls you can use to configure, schedule, and start your Active Directory (AD) scan.

Below is an example of the AD configuration controls.

The following table describes the controls you can use to configure and initiate your AD scan.

Number Icon Description
1 Indicates an AD configuration.

Starts and stops the AD scan.

During and after a scan the light green box indicates the progress and success of the scan. All scans are saved for 14 days.

Click the Jobs Overview tile on the Configuration homepage to review all scan results.


Sets or disables the AD scan schedule.

The schedule displays in the scan configuration description.


Indicates the scan configuration name.

You can change the configuration name. If you configured several resource scans, use the filter to locate and select a configuration for your scan.

Configure the resources

The following steps uses the example of an AD configuration shown above. Your settings names may vary.
  1. Start the Configuration application.

  2. Click Scans.

  3. Locate the AD scan configuration.

  4. Click the highlighted resource and select the account credentials used to perform the scan.

    SolarWinds recommends using a service account. See Service Account Permissions in the system requirements for details.

  5. Click the highlighted resource and locate and select the collector that performs the scan.

    You can select several collectors. ARM automatically decides which collector will run the scan based on the CPU load and memory usage. The scan is performed by one collector.

  6. Click the highlighted resource and select the number of parallel requests.

    Select 1 (no parallel requests) or a value up to 128. Multiple parallel requests provides a fast, non-linear scan and a higher CPU load.

  7. Click the highlighted resource and select the Active Directory object classes to read. This option is useful if you are working with AD delegation.