Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Select the mailboxes to monitor

  1. Start the Configuration application.

  2. Click Scans.

  3. Click Logga - Exchange.

  4. Locate the Logga - Exchange scan configuration.

  5. Click the All mailboxes will be monitored link.

    By default, all mailboxes are monitored.

  6. In the Exchange Logga Filter Configuration window, configure the filter.

    1. Select a mode.

      Select Blacklist to monitor all mailboxes, including mailboxes you add at a future date. Specify which mailboxes are excluded from monitoring.

      Select Whitelist to select which mailboxes you want to monitor.

    2. Click + to add your entries.

  7. Select the targeted mailboxes.

    1. In the Filter field, search for the targeted mailboxes.

    2. Select the targeted mailboxes.

    3. Click Add.

  8. Complete the configuration.

    1. Click X to remove any unwanted entries.

    2. Enter a comment that describes your changes.

    3. Click Apply to save the configuration.