Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Prepare the EMC file servers

Collectors for EMC file servers

The collectors for EMC file servers are dedicated Windows servers running the collector service.

SolarWinds recommends running the Collector and the EMC file server within the same network segment. Otherwise, you may experience performance and routing issues. Install the Collector Service on the same Windows server that hosts the EMC Common Event Enabler (CEE).

The FS Logga for EMC file servers does not require a filter driver installation as on Windows file servers.

Set the EMC Celerra/VNX file servers findable

In Active Directory, registered EMC file servers include a set operatingSystem attribute. The collector uses this attribute to detect EMC file servers and tag them as EMC file server type in the FS Logga configuration.

By default, the EMC file server operating system are set to EMC File Server and EMC Celerra File Server in the collector configuration file. If your EMC file servers use different values for the operatingSystem property, you can adjust the search parameters.

Configuration file



The collector server that is configured for the EMC file server.


%ProgramData%\Protected Networks\8MAN\cfg

If the file does not exist, copy the template from the following path:

old: %ProgramFiles%\Protected Networks\8MAN\etc

new: %ProgramFiles%\solarwinds\ARM\etc


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <EmcOperatingSystems>EMC File Server,EMC Celerra File Server</EmcOperatingSystems>

Possible values

Add your operatingSystem values separated by commas.

If your EMC file servers include different values for the operatingSystem property, insert these values separated by commas. If the EMC file servers do not register the operatingSystem property in Active Directory, leave the entry empty in the collectors configuration file. With an empty entry, you can receive all non-NetApp or non-Windows computer accounts from Active Directory that are visible for the used account.

Common Event Enabler

The Common Event Enabler (CEE) for Windows is a required component provided by EMC to enable monitoring.

For ARM, the CEE from version 8.6.2 or higher is required. The VNX and Celerra product series are supported.

SolarWinds recommends installing the CEE and the collector on the same Windows server.

The CEE must be published to EMC to enable EMC to forward the events. SolarWinds recommends installing and starting the CEE before before you configure EMC. This process allows you to verify if these components are connected.

Installing the CEE

The collector installation requires a separate EMC specific framework installation. This CEE framework enables communications between EMC Data Mover and the EMC CEE framework. See the EMC documentation located on the Dell Support website for the installation instructions.

ARM specific changes for the CEE

For optimal performance, run the collector and CEE on the same server.

The connection between collector and CEE framework client is controlled by Windows registry entries. To apply these changes, you need administrator rights.

SolarWinds strongly recommends backing up your registry before making any edits to your system registry. You should only edit the registry if you are experienced and confident in doing so. Using a registry editor incorrectly can cause serious issues with your operating system, which could require you to reinstall your operating system to correct them. SolarWinds cannot guarantee resolutions to any damage resulting from making registry edits.
  1. Open the Registry editor.

  2. Navigate to:


  3. Create or change the following entries:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EMC\CEE\CEPP\Audit\Configuration] Enabled=(REG_DWORD) 0x00000001

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EMC\CEE\CEPP\Audit\Configuration] EndPoint=(REG_SZ) "SolarWindsARM"

  4. Close the Registry Editor.

  5. Restart the CEE service (emc cava) to activate the new values.

Create and edit the cepp.conf file

Create a file named cepp.conf with following content:



ft level=0

msrpcuser=<the account the CEE service is running under>

pool name=pool1 \

servers=<IP address or hostname of the Windows server running the CEE service> \

postevents=* \

option=ignore \

reqtimeout=1000 \ retrytimeout=500

When you are finished, copy this file to the root directory of the EMC Data Mover:

$ server_file <movername> -put cepp.conf cepp.conf

Administer rights of the account of CEE service account

To verify the account the CEE service is running under, administer the account rights on EMC.

Installing the MMC snap-in is described in the EMC document Installing Management Applications on VNX for File.

  1. Click Start and select Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > EMC VNX File CIFS Management.
  2. In the EMC VNX File CIFS Management window, perform one of the following procedures:
    1. If a Data Mover is selected (the name appears after Data Mover Management), go to step 4.
    2. If a Data Mover is not selected:
      – Right-click Data Mover Management and select Connect to Data Mover.
      – In the Select Data Mover dialog box, select a Data Mover by using one of the following methods:
      1. In the Look in: list box, select the domain in which the Data Mover that you want to manage is located and select the Data Mover from the list. Or
      1. In the Name box, type the computer name, IP address, or the NetBIOS name of the Data Mover.
  3. Double-click Data Mover Management > Data Mover Security Settings.
  4. Click User Rights Assignment.

    The assignable rights displays in the right pane.

  5. Double-click EMC Event Notification Bypass.

  6. In the Security Policy Setting dialog box, click Add.

  7. If required, in the Select Users or Groups dialog box, choose the server from the Look in drop-down list. Select the user from the list box.
  8. Click Add, and then click OK to close the Select Users or Groups dialog box.
  9. Click OK to close the Security Policy Setting dialog box.
  10. In the User Rights Assignment list, double-click EMC Virus Checking.

  11. In the Security Policy Setting dialog box, click Add.

    The Select Users or Groups window displays.

  12. If required, in the Select Users or Groups window, choose the server from the Look in drop-down list. Select the user from the list box.
  13. Click Add, and then click OK to close the Select Users or Groups dialog box.
  14. Click OK to close the Security Policy Setting dialog box.
  15. Close the EMC VNX File CIFS Management window.

Start the Common Event Publishing Agent

The last step is starting and checking the Common Event Publishing Agent (CEPA) on EMC.

  1. Start the CEPA.

    $ server_cepp <movername> -service –start 

    where <movername> is the Data Mover name.


    <movername> : done

  2. Check CEPA status.

    $ server_cepp <movername> -service –status 


    <movername>: CEPP Started

  3. Review the detailed information.

    $ server_cepp <movername> -pool –info


    pool_name = <pool name>
    server_required = no
    access_checks_ignored = 0
    req_timeout = 500 ms
    retry_timeout = 50 ms
    pre_events =
    post_events = CreateFile,DeleteFile, RenameFile, FileRead ….
    post_err_events =
    CEPP Servers:
    IP = <CEE IP>, state = ONLINE, vendor = Unknown