A DropDownList is a selection list with non-editable values.
- Type
- Items
Optional properties
- Label
- DefaultValue
- Description
- IsRequired
- IsEnabled
- Constraints
In addition, you define:
- "Items": The list of values to select. A distinction is made here between DisplayValue (the value displayed in the selection list) and Value (the actual value that is stored for the LDAP attribute).
- "DefaultValue": (optional) Specifies the value that is preselected when the template is loaded. This value must match a value in the Items list. Default value: The value of the first entry in Items.
"Type": "DropDownList",
"DefaultValue": "Berlin",
"Label": "Location",
"Description": "Select the location of the user."
"Items": [
{ "Value": "Berlin", "DisplayValue": "Berlin - Germany" },
{ "Value": "Vienna", "DisplayValue": "Vienna - Austria" }