Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Customize ARM templates

With ARM you can use customized templates for:

  • Creating users
  • Creating groups
  • Creating contacts (Rich Client only)
  • Open Order

Customize the templates according to your needs to standardize, simplify and accelerate the creation of objects. We describe the advantages of individualized templates in the next section Take advantage of customized templates.

In the section All templates, we describe the blocks of the templates: The input options with their properties, constraints and CreationRules. These are the same for all types of templates.

We also provide information on the specific elements of the templates for users, groups, contacts and Open Order.

Take advantage of customized templates

Access Rights Manager provides a set of standard templates, for example for the creation of new users. Based on the template, Access Rights Manager generates the input masks. Use templates customized to your needs and create new objects in a standardized, simplified and accelerated way. The most important advantages are described below.

Dropdown menus and lookups

Assign input fields with drop-down menus from which users can choose. Depending on the selection, additional fields can be filled automatically. You avoid incorrect entries, accelerate the input and have a standardized result.


For the location field, choose "Berlin", "Munich", "Vienna". Based on the selection, the fields "Street", "ZIP" and "City" are filled automatically.

Validation rules

Validate whether the value entered matches certain rules.


  • Minimum length for a password
  • Check the format of a telephone number

Group memberships

When creating a user, specify in which groups the new user becomes a member.

Required fields

Specify which entries must be made (must not remain empty).

Set default values

Assign fields with default values - changeable or not changeable.

Creation rules

Determine how a resulting field is filled from entries that have already been made.


The login name and the email address are automatically generated from the first name and last name.

Hide input fields

If certain inputs are not required in your company or are already filled with defaults, hide individual input fields or entire areas. This reduces the complexity of the input masks.