Delete empty groups
Over time, empty groups accumulate in your Active Directory that can reduce performance and diminish transparency. SolarWinds deleting these groups.
Groups without members could be system groups and should not be deleted.
Log in to the Access Rights Manager application.
On the toolbar, click Dashboard.
Maximize Groups and double-click Empty groups.
ARM switches to Multiselection highlighted in the toolbar. The Empty group scenario is active and all listed groups are empty.
In the Name column, select one or more groups that you know are safe to delete.
Right-click the selections and select Delete accounts.
In the Delete accounts window under Credentials, change the login used to delete the groups in Active Directory.
(Recommended) Select the Remove access rights checkbox to prevent the occurrence of unresolved SIDs.
Maximize Scripting.
Choose whether to run a script before deleting. See Configure scripts for more information.
(Required) Enter a comment that describes the empty group deletion.
Click Immediately to start the deletion procedure or select another option.