Identify errors in inheritance and fix them in bulk (web client)
Background / Value
Errors in the inheritance of file server permissions often occur when employees copy or move directories. This can lead to unwanted access.
With the "Directories with corrupted inheritance" scenario, you can identify corrupted inheritance in a few clicks and eliminate them in one go.
Related features
Identify corrupted inheritance
Step-by-step process
- Click Analyze.
- Click New analyze session.
- Select the category Directories.
- Click Directories with corrupted inheritance.
- Specify which file servers should be included in your analysis.
- Start the calculation.
- Access Rights Manager lists all directories with corrupted inheritance.
- Use sorting, filtering, grouping and column selection to narrow down your selection.
- Select the desired entries.
- Click Enforce inheritance.
- You must enter a comment.
Click Immediately to execute the task or select another option.
The job will be transferred to the Access Rights Manager server and executed there. You can find the status in the Jobs overview.