Specific Open Order input options
The input options mentioned on this page only work in the web client.
AccountSearchTextField is an input option for searching for a user or group. A text field with an additional search button is displayed. If the button is pressed a search dialog appears. The search result can be further processed in the form.
AttributesToLoad - A list of LDAP attributes to load, for example ["sn", "cn"].
LookupTableId - Identifies the lookup table from which the LDAP attributes from the search can be used in the template.
Optional properties
Label - The caption of the search field displayed in the form.
IsManagerSearchHidden - If set to "True", the option (checkbox) "Show only my employees" is hidden.
RestrictToDataOwnerResources - If set to "True", Data Owners see only the resources assigned to them, Orderers see all accounts of their domain, Administrators see all search results. If set to "False", the search results for all users are not filtered by data owner criteria.
ExcludeDeactivatedUsers - If set to "True", disabled users are not shown in the search results.
UsersOnly - If set to "True", only users and no groups are displayed in the search results.
// Define search input
"Key": "Requester",
"Value": {
"Type": "AccountSearchTextField",
"Label": "Request for",
"IsManagerSearchHidden": "true",
"RestrictToDataOwnerResources": "true",
"ExcludeDeactivatedUsers": "true",
"UsersOnly": "true",
"LookupTableId": "RequesterSearchResult",
"AttributesToLoad": ["sn", "givenname", "samAccountName"]
// Use search results
"Key": "given name",
"Value": {
"Type": "TextField",
"Label": "given name",
"IsEnabled": "false",
"Constraints": {
"CreationRule": "<lookup>(RequesterSearchResult,givenname)"
"Key": "Surname",
"Value": {
"Type": "TextField",
"Label": "Surname",
"IsEnabled": "false",
"Constraints": {
"CreationRule": "<lookup>(RequesterSearchResult,sn)"
GroupAccountSearchTextField is an input option for searching for a group. A text field with an additional search button is displayed. If the button is pressed a search dialog appears. The search result can be further processed in the form.
AttributesToLoad - A list of LDAP attributes to load.
LookupTableId - Identifies the lookup table from which the LDAP attributes from the search can be used in the template.
Optional properties
Label - The caption of the search field displayed in the form.
RestrictToDataOwnerResources - If set to "True", Data Owners see only the resources assigned to them, Orderers see all accounts of their domain, Administrators see all search results. If set to "False", the search results for all users are not filtered by data owner criteria.
Radio Buttons
Radio is a group of radio buttons. You can use radio buttons only in Open Order Templates..
For a group of radio buttons is the "Type": "Radio".
All radio buttons with the same id are grouped into one group. Within a group, only one radio button can be selected at a time.
The value displayed in the form.
The actual value that is stored.
Sets the initial selected radio button of a group.
"Key": "ActionRadio1",
"Value": {
"Type": "Radio",
"RadioGroupId": "Group1",
"IsChecked": "true",
"Label": "Displayed value 1",
"Value": "Real value 1"
"Key": "
"Value": {
"Type": "Radio",
"RadioGroupId": "Group1",
"Label": "Displayed value 2",
"Value": "Real value 2"