Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Customize templates for new contacts

With customized templates for contacts, you can create contacts with Access Rights Manager.

Templates for new contacts record the following three values:

  • OU (organizational unit)
  • Name
  • Email address

To display all information from contacts in Access Rights Manager, you must configure the AD scan and the Exchange-Scan accordingly.




"TemplateType": "CreateMailContact",

"Version": 1,

"Id": "2adee521-9423-464e-a52b-0d20a54ec4f6",

"DisplayName": "Create contact",

"Description": "Creates a contact with Exchange",

"FullQualifiedDomainName": "8man-demo.local",

"OrganizationalUnit": {

"Definition": {

"Type": "DropDownList",

"Items": [


"Value": "OU=Sales,OU=Berlin,DC=8man-demo,DC=local",

"DisplayValue": "Sales"



"Value": "OU=Marketing,OU=Berlin,DC=8man-demo,DC=local",

"DisplayValue": "Marketing"



"DefaultValue": "OU=Sales,OU=Berlin,DC=8man-demo,DC=local",

"Label": "Organizational unit (OU)"



"LdapAttributes": [


"Name": "name",

"Definition": {

"Type": "TextField",

"Label": "Name",

"IsRequired": true,

"IsEnabled": true,

"IsHidden": false,

"Constraints": {

"MaxLength": 50





"Name": "externalemailaddress",

"Definition": {

"Type": "TextField",

"Label": "External email address",

"IsRequired": true,

"IsEnabled": true,

"Constraints": {

"MaxLength": 200,

"ValidationRule": "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}"





