Customize templates for new contacts
With customized templates for contacts, you can create contacts with Access Rights Manager.
Templates for new contacts record the following three values:
- OU (organizational unit)
- Name
- Email address
To display all information from contacts in Access Rights Manager, you must configure the AD scan and the Exchange-Scan accordingly.
"TemplateType": "CreateMailContact",
"Version": 1,
"Id": "2adee521-9423-464e-a52b-0d20a54ec4f6",
"DisplayName": "Create contact",
"Description": "Creates a contact with Exchange",
"FullQualifiedDomainName": "8man-demo.local",
"OrganizationalUnit": {
"Definition": {
"Type": "DropDownList",
"Items": [
"Value": "OU=Sales,OU=Berlin,DC=8man-demo,DC=local",
"DisplayValue": "Sales"
"Value": "OU=Marketing,OU=Berlin,DC=8man-demo,DC=local",
"DisplayValue": "Marketing"
"DefaultValue": "OU=Sales,OU=Berlin,DC=8man-demo,DC=local",
"Label": "Organizational unit (OU)"
"LdapAttributes": [
"Name": "name",
"Definition": {
"Type": "TextField",
"Label": "Name",
"IsRequired": true,
"IsEnabled": true,
"IsHidden": false,
"Constraints": {
"MaxLength": 50
"Name": "externalemailaddress",
"Definition": {
"Type": "TextField",
"Label": "External email address",
"IsRequired": true,
"IsEnabled": true,
"Constraints": {
"MaxLength": 200,
"ValidationRule": "[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,6}"