Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Sybase SQL Anywhere

This template assesses the performance of the server database by retrieving performance data from the monitoring tables.


Sybase SQL Anywhere Administrative Tools must be installed on the SolarWinds Platform server, (Administrative Tools can be found on installation media during installation process).


Database user name and password with DBA authorities.

Before using this template you should put correct database name (DBN property) in Connection String.
Example: Driver={SQL Anywhere 12};DBN=demo;Host=${IP};Uid=${USER};Pwd=${PASSWORD};

Component monitors

Click here for an overview about SAM application monitor templates and component monitors. SAM API Poller templates are also available.

Components without predetermined threshold values provide guidance such as "Use the lowest threshold possible" or "Use the highest threshold possible" to help you find a threshold appropriate for your application.

CPU usage (s)

This monitor returns the CPU usage for the database server process. Values are in seconds. The value returned for this property is cumulative since the database server was started.

Current Cache Size (kB)

This monitor returns the current cache size, in kilobytes.

Main Heap Pages

This monitor returns the number of pages used for global server data structures.

Pinned Cache Pages

This monitor returns the number of pinned cache pages.

Dirty Cache Pages

This monitor returns the number of cache pages that are dirty (needing a write).

Replaced Pages in Cache

This monitor returns the number of pages in the cache that were replaced.

Disk Reads

This monitor returns the number of disk reads.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Free Space in System Dbspace (MB)

This monitor returns the amount of free disk space for System dbspace in MB.

Free Space in Translog Dbspace (MB)

This monitor returns the amount of free disk space for Translog dbspace in MB.

Free Space in Temporary Dbspace (MB)

This monitor returns the amount of free disk space for Translog dbspace in MB.

Current Connetions

This monitor returns count of the number of licensed connections in use.

Unique Connections

This monitor returns the number of unique client network addresses connected to a network database server.

Open HTTP Connections

This monitor returns the number of HTTP connections that are currently open within the database server. They may be actively processing a request or waiting in a queue of long lived (keep-alive) connections.

Actively Processing HTTP Connections

This monitor returns the number of HTTP connections that are actively processing an HTTP request. An HTTP connection that has sent its response is not included.

Open HTTPS Connections

This monitor returns the number of HTTPS connections that are currently open within the database server. They may be actively processing a request or waiting in a queue of long lived (keep-alive) connections.

Actively Processing HTTPS Connections

This monitor returns the number of secure HTTPS connections that are actively processing an HTTPS request. An HTTPS connection that has sent its response is not included.

Requests in Queue

This monitor returns the number of requests that are currently queued up waiting for an available server thread. Returned value should be less than 5.

Bytes Received

This monitor returns the number of bytes received during client/server communications. This value is updated for HTTP and HTTPS connections.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Bytes Sent

This monitor returns the number of bytes sent during client/server communications. This value is updated for HTTP and HTTPS connections.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Optimized Queries

This monitor returns the number of requests fully optimized.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Reused Queries

This monitor returns the number of reused query plans.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Bypassed Queries

This monitor returns the number of requests reused from the plan cache.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Cache Hits

This monitor returns the number of database page lookups satisfied by finding the page in the cache.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

File Reads

This monitor returns the current number of file reads those were issued by the server, but haven't yet completed.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

File Writes

This monitor returns the current number of file writes those were issued by the server, but haven't yet completed.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Pages Read from Disk

This monitor returns the number of pages that were read from disk.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Pages Written to Disk

This monitor returns the number of modified pages that were written to disk.

By default, this monitor has the Count statistic as difference box checked. It will only show the new statistic since the last polling period.

Free Pages in System Dbspace

This monitor returns the number of free pages in the system dbspace. The FreePages property is only supported on databases created with version 8.0.0 or later.


This monitor returns the number of locks held by the database.