Citrix XenApp and Xen Desktop 7.x (Performance Counters)
This SAM application monitor template assesses the status and overall health of the Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop 7.x installed on Windows by retrieving data from performance counters.
WMI access to the target server.
Windows Administrator on target server.
Component monitors
Broker: Brokered Sessions
Brokered Sessions is the number of virtual desktop sessions brokered by the Citrix Broker Service.
Broker: Database Avg. Transaction Time
Database Avg. Transaction Time is the time on average, in seconds, taken to execute a database transaction from Citrix Broker Service. A baseline needs to be established in the environment to accurately establish threshold values. In case the reported values exceed the baseline response time constantly, a potential performance issue needs to be investigated at the SQL server level.
Broker: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether the Citrix Broker Service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Broker: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing, when executed from Citrix Broker Service. Should be 0 all the time. High values may indicate connectivity issues of the XenDesktop Broker service with the XenDesktop database. In case issues are reported, SQL server and network availability needs to be verified.
Broker: Database Transactions/sec
Database Transactions/sec is the rate at which database transactions are being executed from the Citrix Broker Service.
Broker: Expired Launches/sec
Expired Launches/sec is the rate at which virtual desktops timeout waiting on clients to connect to them, as detected by the Citrix Broker Service.
Broker: Expired Registrations/sec
Expired Registrations/sec is the rate at which virtual desktop registrations with the Citrix Broker Service expire through inactive communication.
Broker: Hard Registrations/sec
Hard Registrations/sec is the rate at which virtual desktop agents hard-register with the Citrix Broker Service.
Broker: Registration Avg. Request Time
Registration Avg. Request Time is the time on average, in seconds, taken to process a virtual desktop registration request in the Citrix Broker Service.
Broker: Registration Rejects/sec
Registration Rejects/sec is the rate at which Citrix Broker Service rejects registration requests from virtual desktops.
Broker: Registration Requests/sec
Registration Requests/sec is the rate at which Citrix Broker Service receives registration requests from virtual desktops.
Broker: Soft Registrations/sec
Soft Registrations/sec is the rate at which virtual desktop agents soft-register with the Citrix Broker Service.
AD Identity: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
AD Identity: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.
Configuration Logging: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Configuration Logging: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.
Configuration Service: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Configuration Service: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.
Delegated Admin: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Delegated Admin: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.
Environment Test: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Environment Test: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.
Host Service: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Host Service: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.
Machine Creation Service: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Machine Creation Service: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.
Monitor: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Monitor: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.
Storefront: Database Connected
Database Connected indicates whether this service is in contact with its database (1 is connected; 0 is not connected.)
Storefront: Database Transaction Errors/sec
Database Transactions Errors/sec is the rate at which database transactions are failing when executed from this service.