Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Events

This SAM application monitor template assesses the status and overall performance of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 server by monitoring critical errors in the Windows Application Log file.


WMI access to the target server.


Windows Administrator on the target server.

Component monitors

All monitors should return values of zero. Returned values other than zero may indicate an abnormality. If you believe an abnormality exists, you should examine the Windows Application log for details.

Events: Audit Operations Errors

This monitor returns the number of audit operations errors, such as:

  • Async Job Failed;
  • Failed To Drop Partition On AuditBase;
  • Async operation has been suspended;
  • Failed To Create New Partition On AuditBase;
  • Failure while monitoring async operations queue;
  • Failure while starting monitoring for async operations queue.

Event ID: 17424, 24322, 17425, 24321, 17411, 17410.

Async Job failure can be caused by a number of different issues including a SQL deadlock or database error. Check the event log for more information about this error.

Failed To Drop Partition On AuditBase: The clustered indexes on the AuditBase table have been changed. Change the clustered indexes on the AuditBase table to be consistent with those defined in the stored procedure p_deletesingleauditpartition.sql.

Async operation has been suspended could be caused by SQL exceptions (timeouts, webstore cache expiry, and so on). Analyze the event logs and trace logs to identify the issue.

Failed To Create New Partition On AuditBase: A new partition could not be created on AuditBase because the Alter Partition Function failed.

The last two events generally means there is a problem contacting the configuration database (MSCRM_CONFIG) or there is a configuration issue for the server. Check for connectivity issues from the server to the SQL servers. Check the event logs for errors other than from Windows services.

Events: Database Errors

This monitor returns the number of database errors such as:

  • Database error while updating operation status;
  • Error while backing up database for organization;
  • Error while backing up database transaction log for organization.

Event ID: 14414, 17422, 17423.

Database error while updating operation status: This error occurs when the host could not recover from a database error while updating status for an operation for organization. Analyze the event logs and trace logs to identify issue.

Error while backing up database for organization and Error while backing up database transaction log for organization occur when the backup log share could not be reached. This is specific to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. Check the configuration of the backup log share, and check permissions.

Events: E-mail Router Service Errors

This monitor returns the number of audit operations errors, such as:

  • CRM Server Version is Not Compatible with E-mail Router;
  • E-mail Router Service Cannot Connect to CRM Server;
  • E-mail Router Service Could Not Run Service Background Thread;
  • E-mail Router Version is Not Compatible with CRM Server;
  • E-mail Router Work Item Aborted.

Event ID: 40215, 6188, 16192, 36673, 14494.

CRM Server Version is Not Compatible with E-mail Router: When Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server is not compatible with the E-mail Router, verify that the version of the E-mail Router is the same as that of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

E-mail Router Service Cannot Connect to CRM Server: This is likely due to an issue with the E-Mail Router service account or network connectivity. Verify that the account that is used to run the E-mail Router service has sufficient permission to access the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server and that there are no connectivity problems.

E-mail Router Service Could Not Run Service Background Thread: Check the event logs for more details and restart the E-mail Router service.

For E-mail Router Version is Not Compatible with CRM Server: Verify that the version of the E-mail Router is the same as that of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

E-mail Router Work Item Aborted: This occurs when there is a problem with the network or because the e-mail server is busy. Verify that you can log on to the e-mail server by using an e-mail application that uses the account specified for the e-mail router.

Events: E-mail Connection Errors

This monitor returns the number of audit operations errors, such as:

  • Error Occurred While Checking Connection to CRM Server;
  • Error Occurred While Checking Connection to E-mail Server;
  • Error Occurred While Checking for Outgoing E-Mail;
  • Error Occurred While Opening Mailbox;
  • Error Occurred While Processing Outgoing E-mail.

Event ID: 5689, 9663, 61346, 26090, 61042.

Error Occurred While Checking Connection to CRM Server is likely due to an issue with credentials. Verify that the credentials to connect to CRM specified in the Deployments tab in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager are correct.

Error Occurred While Checking Connection to E-mail Server is likely due to an issue with credentials. Verify the credentials specified in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager are correct.

Error Occurred While Checking for Outgoing E-Mail is caused by outbound e-mail configuration possibly being incorrect. Check the outbound e-mail configuration in the e-mail router for the CRM users or queues.

Error Occurred While Opening Mailbox is caused because the mailbox may not exist or the credentials to connect may be insufficient or incorrect. Check if the mailbox exists and that the credentials specified to connect to the mailbox are correct.

Error Occurred While Processing Outgoing E-mail is caused because the outbound e-mail configuration may be incorrect. Verify the outbound e-mail configuration in the e-mail router.

Events: E-mail Authentication Errors

This monitor returns the number of audit operations errors, such as:

  • Insufficient Privileges to Access Mailbox;
  • Insufficient Privileges to Send E-Mail;
  • Missing Credentials for Queue;
  • Missing Credentials for User;
  • NLTM Authentication is Not Supported;
  • Service Account Cannot be Authenticated;
  • Service Account Has Insufficient Permissions;
  • SSL Authentication Failed.

Event ID: 39182, 41230, 30413, 29287, 8168, 51242, 61018, 6822.

Insufficient Privileges to Access Mailbox: Verify the credentials specified in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager are correct.

Insufficient Privileges to Send E-Mail: Verify that the credentials to connect to CRM specified in the Deployments tab in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager are correct.

Missing Credentials for Queue: Verify the credentials specified in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager are correct.

Missing Credentials for User: Verify the credentials specified in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager are correct.

NLTM Authentication is Not Supported: Verify the authentication type for the POP3 e-mail server.

Service Account Cannot be Authenticated: Verify that the credentials to connect to CRM specified in the Deployments tab in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager are correct.

Service Account Has Insufficient Permissions: Verify that the credentials to connect to CRM specified in the Deployments tab in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager are correct.

SSL Authentication Failed: Verify that the certificates on the e-mail router machine have been installed correctly.

Events: Service Errors

This monitor returns the number of audit operations errors such as:

  • Incorrect Exchange Web Services URL;
  • Invalid CRM Discovery Service URL.

Event ID: 15250, 14849.

Incorrect Exchange Web Services URL: Verify that you specified the correct Exchange Web Services URL.

Invalid CRM Discovery Service URL: Select the Deployments tab in the E-mail Router Configuration Manager and specify the correct CRM URL.

Events: Web Service Errors

This monitor returns the number of audit operations errors, such as:

  • Customization uninstall failed;
  • Language provisioning failed;
  • Language translations labels import failed;
  • Solution import failed.

Event ID: 19459, 19458, 19456, 19457.

Customization uninstall failed due to dependencies that prevent the solution from being uninstalled, or a timeout occurred, or other errors. To resolve this, uninstall the components or solutions with errors and then reinstall the solution. You can also try the operation again, or follow the resolution suggested in the error message.

Language provisioning failed is caused by a timeout occuring. Try the operation again.

Language translations labels import failed is caused because a translations file is malformed, or other possible errors. To resolve this, fix the contents of the translations file, and then reimport the translations. If this does not work, follow the resolution suggested in the error message.

Solution import failed occurs because the solution contains dependencies on components not present on the system, or the contents of the solution package are malformed, or a timeout occurred. To resolve this, install or create the missing components and then reinstall the solution. You can also try to fix the contents of the solution package and reinstalling the solution, or retry the operation.Splitting the solution into multiple smaller solutions may work as well.

Events: Deletion Service Errors

This monitor returns the number of audit operations errors, such as:

  • Deletion Service failed to retrieve list of tables for cleanup;
  • Deletion Service failed to successfully perform cleanup.

Event ID: 16394, 16387.

Deletion Service failed to retrieve list of tables for cleanup: When users delete a record, the record is marked for deletion, but is still present in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Organization database. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deletion service periodically retrieves a list of records that were marked for deletion from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Organization database; then it scans and deletes records based on the deletion list. The retrieval likely failed due to a database error or SQL deadlock. The Deletion service will periodically retry to retrieve the list of tables for cleanup from the database. Wait for the Deletion service to run again. If there are numerous retry attempts, check the event logs and trace logs for more details.

Deletion Service failed to successfully perform cleanup: This problem can occur if the SQL Server Agent service is not running. Restart the SQL Server Agent service. If the problem persists, install the most recent cumulative update rollup for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.

Event: Failed to Load Authentication Pipeline

This monitor returns the number of Failed to Load Authentication Pipeline errors.

Event ID: 17205.

The configuration database AuthenticationPipeline tables may be corrupt. Reinstall the configuration database or restore from a backup. There is no user-configurable information in these tables.

Events: Report Errors

This monitor returns the number of audit operations errors, such as:

  • Report Render Failure;
  • Report Server Web Service Failure;
  • Report Server Web Service SOAP Failure.

Event ID: 19714, 19712, 19713.

Report Render Failure: This could be an issue with the installation or configuration of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions or that the reporting service account does not have sufficient privileges to the organization databases. Review the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 946289 and 946585.

Report Server Web Service Failure and Report Server Web Service SOAP Failure checks the status of Web Service.

Event: Trace File Failure Alert

This monitor returns the number of trace file failure errors.

Event ID: 17156.

If this event occurs frequently, the tracing service might not be able to log traces to the trace file. Verify the access rights for the account under which CRM Platform Service is running to the trace file path name. Also, free disk space in the tracing file path name needs to be checked.