Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Novell GroupWise Message Transfer Agent (Unix)

Use the SAM application monitor template to check GroupWise Message Transfer Agent (MTA) statistics by retrieving it from an MTA webpage.


Install Perl on target servers. SNMP should also be installed on target servers with permission to monitor gwmta processes.


Root on target server.

See Novell documentation for reference.

Component monitors

Message Transfer Agent: Statistic 1

This monitor returns different MTA statistics. The returned values are as follows:

Total Domains: Returns the total number of domains the MTA links to.

Closed Domains: Returns the number of domains that are currently closed.

Total Post Offices: Returns the total number of post offices in the domain.

Closed Post Offices: Returns the number of post offices that are currently closed.

Total Gateways: Returns the total number of gateways in the domain.

Closed Gateways: Returns the number of gateways that are currently closed.

Set correct arguments in the following order:
perl ${SCRIPT} IP_address,port


IP_address is the IP address of target server with installed MTA. By default, it uses value ${IP} which will automatically set the IP address of target node;

port is the MTA HTTP access port. By default it is set to 7180.

If the monitor returns a value of -1, the statistic was not found on MTA's web page.

Message Transfer Agent: Statistic 2

This monitor returns different MTA statistic. The returned values are as follows:

  • Total Routed Messages: Returns the total number of messages successfully routed to the domains, post offices, and gateways serviced by the MTA.
  • Routed Messages In Last 10 Minutes: Returns the number of messages successfully routed to the domains, post offices, and gateways serviced by the MTA in last ten minutes.
  • Total Undeliverable Messages: Returns the total number of messages that could not be delivered to a domain, post office, or gateway. This value should be as low as possible.
  • Undeliverable Messages In Last 10 Minutes : Returns the number of messages that could not be delivered to a domain, post office, or gateway in last ten minutes. This value should be as low as possible. .
  • Total Errors: Returns the total number of errors the MTA encounters while processing messages in its input queues. This value should be as low as possible.
  • Errors In Last 10 Minutes: Returns the number of errors the MTA encounters while processing messages in its input queues in last ten minutes. This value should be as low as possible.

You should set correct arguments in the following order:

perl ${SCRIPT} IP_address,port


IP_address is the IP address of target server with installed MTA. By default it uses value ${IP} which will automatically set the IP address of target node;

port is the MTA HTTP access port. By default, it is set to 7180.

If the monitor returns a value of -1, this can mean that the statistic cannot be found on MTA's web page.

Message Transfer port

This component monitor tests the ability of a Message Transfer to accept incoming sessions. By default it monitors TCP port 7100. Change this value if necessary; it's configured during MTA installation.

HTTP port

This component monitor tests the ability of a MTA HTTP access to accept incoming sessions. By default it monitors TCP port 7180. Change this value if necessary; it's configured during MTA installation.

Process: Message Transfer Agent

This monitor returns CPU and memory usage of Message Transfer Agent process (gwmta). If this counter is unavailable, there may be problems with SNMP configuration or this process stopped.

HTTP Monitor

This component monitor tests a web server's ability to accept incoming sessions and transmit the requested page. By default, it monitors the website on TCP port 7180.