File Size Monitor
The File Existence Monitor is a SAM component monitor that is also available as a SAM application monitor template that measures the size of a file at the given file path. The statistic is the file size in bytes.
Windows credential with read access to the network share.
Agent-less or SolarWinds Platform agent for Windows requirements
Implementation of these components relies either on WMI or windows file share access to the target machine.
SolarWinds Platform agent for Linux requirements
Python implementation leverages native filesystem access directly from the python script running locally on the target agent machine. Due to the configuration settings, switching between agent-less and SolarWinds Platform agent for Linux will not establish a correct connection as the file path in UNC format will not work on a Linux-based computer. For details, see Configure Linux/Unix systems for monitoring by the SolarWinds Platform agent in SAM.
Component monitors
File Size Monitor
This component monitor measures the size of a file at the given file path and then reports the file size in bytes as a statistic. This component monitor uses TCP/445 and UDP/445 ports.
This monitor cannot monitor files larger than 2 gigabytes in size.