Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Server & Application Monitor (SAM) is also available in a standalone module.

Scan nodes and assign SAM application monitor templates automatically with the Application Discovery Wizard

SAM can scan nodes for you and automatically assign the application monitor templates it deems suitable for each node. You select the nodes to be scanned, the templates to use, and the parameters to determine a match.

The Application Discovery Wizard compares applications located on nodes with parameters to automatically assign templates to nodes, thus creating application monitors.

The Application Discovery Wizard does not work for User Experience (UX) monitors; assign them to nodes manually instead.

To scan nodes, discover applications, and assign templates to nodes:

  1. Click Settings > All Settings > SAM Settings.
  2. Click Scan Nodes for Applications.
  3. Browse or filter to select nodes to scan. You can select all or choose from lists. Click Next.
  4. Browse, filter, and select the applications you want to scan for, based on existing templates. Expand the Advanced Scan Settings to set the exactness for matches. Click Next.

    • Exact Match: All the components must match to assign the template.
    • Strong Match: Most of the components must match to assign the template.
    • Partial Match: Some of the components must match to assign the template.
    • Minimal Match: At least one component must match to assign the template.

    To minimize scan time, limit the number of templates in your first scan. To see more templates, select a different template group from the Show Only list.

  5. Some SAM application monitors require credentials either to access restricted resources, or to run within the context of a specific user. To scan for these templates, add the necessary credentials to the list and sort them accordingly. If a template requires credentials, SAM checks credentials in this list in the order in which they appear. You can add credentials or allow credentials to inherit from the node's local credentials. Click Next.

    Recommended: If domains share user names with different passwords, run a separate application discovery in each domain.

    Credentials are tried several times during a scan. If credentials are incorrect, the account can become locked after several failures. To avoid potential account lockouts that affects an SolarWinds Platform user account, consider adding a dedicated service account to use only for monitoring.

  6. Review selected options before scanning. If a specific template is already assigned to a node as an application monitor, the template is not automatically assigned a second time. To assign a template again, click "Yes, Assign Anyway" in the "Do you want to assign duplicates" list.
  7. Click Start Scan. The scan runs in the background.
  8. When a message at the top of the SolarWinds Platform Web Console indicates the scan is complete, click View results.

You can modify assigned applications monitors on the Manage Application Monitors page. Click Settings > All Settings > SAM Settings > Manage Application Monitors.