Internet Information Service (IIS) 6/10
SolarWinds SAM includes two IIS server application monitor templates — one for IIS 6 and one for IIS 10. The critical threshold values for the performance counters are those recommended by Microsoft.
WMI access to the target server.
Windows Administrator on the target server.
Component monitors
Set thresholds for counters according to your environment. It is recommended to monitor counters for some period of time to understand potential value ranges and then set the thresholds accordingly.
Service: World Wide Web Publishing
Provides web connectivity and administration through the Internet Information Services Manager.
HTTP Port Monitor
Check the availability of standard http port (default is port 80).
You need change the port value if you are using another port.
URI Cache Flushes Counter
The number of URI cache flushes that have occurred since the server started.
URI Cache Hits Counter
The number of successful lookups in the URI cache.
URI Cache Hits Percent Counter
The ratio of URI Cache Hits to the total number of cache requests.
URI Cache Misses Counter
The number of unsuccessful lookups in the URI cache.
Web service: Bytes Received/sec Counter
Rate at which data bytes are received by the WWW service, per second.
If World Wide Web Publishing Service is stopped, ignore this counter.
Web service: Bytes Sent/sec Counter
Rate that data bytes are sent by the WWW service, per second.
If World Wide Web Publishing Service is stopped, ignore this counter.
Web service: Bytes Total/sec Counter
Sum of bytes sent/sec and bytes received/sec.
If World Wide Web Publishing Service is stopped, ignore this counter.
Web service: Connection Attempts/sec Counter
Rate of attempted connections to the WWW service since service startup, per second.
If World Wide Web Publishing Service is stopped, ignore this counter.
Web service: Current Connections Counter
Current number of active connections to the WWW service.
If World Wide Web Publishing Service is stopped, ignore this counter.
Web service: Get Requests/sec Counter
Rate at which HTTP requests using the GET method are made to the WWW service, per second.
If World Wide Web Publishing Service is stopped, ignore this counter.
System: System Calls/sec
This counter is a measure of the number of calls made to the system components, Kernel mode services. This is a measure of how busy the system is taking care of applications and services. Set the value as low as possible.
To learn about setting the counter as low as possible, see the following article “Use Min/Max Average Statistic charts to set thresholds based on 95th percentile data”.