Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk

Email sections

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In SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) administrators can configure the global setup of email sections for notifications. These notifications can be sent to both your technicians (service agent users) and employees (requesters) based on your selected preferences. 

Administrators can configure the global setup of email sections for notifications. These notifications can be sent to both your technicians (service agent users) and employees (requesters) based on your selected preferences. 

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Signature

After these options are edited, the changes are reflected in all email templates containing the above components.

Any email section configurations set here will mirror the notifications received via the mobile app.

You can customize email specifics that apply to all company emails:

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Signature


ITSM customers ESM customers
Setup > Global Settings > Email sections

Organization (or Service Provider) > Setup > Global Settings > Email sections

Customize email sections

  1. Navigate to Setup > Global Settings > Email Sections.

  2. Under Global Sections, hover over the appropriate option (header, footer, or signature), and then click the eye icon to view the current settings or the pencil icon to edit. For example, you can add to the email header the company logo that was previously uploaded in the service portal setup area.

    From Global Settings > Email Sections you can also see the date of the last update and who performed the last update.

  3. Optionally, you can use variables in the signature or you can type in content.

Email variables

System variables can be used in any email. When you select a tab a list of the system variables displays on the right. From there you can copy any variable by hovering over the variable name and then clicking Copy to the right of the variable.

System email variables can be used in email notification templates. They cannot be modified.

The following system variables are available:

  • {{assignee_full_name}}
  • {{attachments}}
  • {{change_number}}
  • {{change_title}}
  • {{change_type}}
  • {{department}}
  • {{event_initiator}}
  • {{event_initiator_email}}
  • {{event_initiator_phone_number}}
  • {{event_initiator_title}}
  • {{hardware_asset_status}}
  • {{hardware_category}}
  • {{hardware_name}}
  • {{hardware_owner}}
  • {{hardware_tag}}
  • {{hardware_technical_contact}}
  • {{hardware_warranty_status}}
  • {{incident_category}}
  • {{incident_description}}
  • {{incident_number}}
  • {{incident_number_link_to_incident}}
  • {{incident_origin}}
  • {{incident_priority}}
  • {{incident_title}}
  • {{last_updated}}
  • {{main}}
  • {{main_event}}
  • {{main_wo_action}}
  • {{received_at}}
  • {{requester_email}}
  • {{requester_full_name}}
  • {{requester_last_name}}
  • {{requester_phonenumber}}
  • {{samanage_link}}
  • {{service_desk_logo}}
  • {{servicedesk_name}}
  • {{site}}
  • {{solution_number}}
  • {{solution_title}}
  • {{state}}