Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk

Discovery scanner restart

On this page


This page provides detailed instructions on how to restart the Discovery scanner for Windows and Linux.

After restarting the scanner, the Last Report column on the Scanners index page confirms the scanner is reporting because it shows the date of the scanner restart.

Windows restart instructions

There are two options for restarting the scanner in Windows:

Via command line

  1. Type command prompt into the Start menu and open the command prompt.

  2. At the prompt, run the following commands:

    Net stop “Solarwinds Discovery Scanner”

    Net start “Solarwinds Discovery Scanner"

Via Windows UI

  1. Login to the machine and perform the following steps.

    1. Click Start, and then select Control Panel.

    2. Open Administrative Tools.

    3. Open Services.

  2. From the Services menu, use the right-click menu to restart the two SolarWinds Discovery Scanner services.

Linux restart instructions

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. Restart the scanner using command:

    “Sudo service SolarwindsDiscoveryScanner restart”

Confirm the Discovery Scanner is reporting back

After 2-3 minutes, the Discovery scanner restarts and should be reporting. To confirm that the scanner is reporting:

  1. Open SWSD.

  2. Navigate to Setup > Discovery & Assets.

  3. Locate the Discovery scanner you restarted.

    The Last report column of the relevant scanner should identify the last report date as the date you restarted the scanner.

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Discovery troubleshooting