Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk

Azure Cloud configuration

On this page

Prerequisites for Discovery connection

Before creating a Discovery connection in SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD):

  1. Review Best practices.
  2. Confirm you have a scanner up and running in your local environment, scanning data and collecting information from your local network.
  3. After you decide you would like to expand the data collected to include information stored on Entra Cloud, you must create a dedicated user including credentials via the Azure console at:


Setup > Discovery & Assets > Connections.

Azure Cloud Configuration

  1. Navigate to Setup > Discovery & Assets > Connections.

  2. From the All Connections index page, click the Add icon and select Azure Cloud from the dropdown.

  3. In the Azure Cloud Discovery dialog, follow the instructions provided.

  4. Use the guidance below to provide information required to configure your connection.

    Field Description
    Cloud identification
    • Subscription ID
    • Tenant ID (found in the Azure portal under Azure Active Directory)
    Authentication credentials
    • Client ID (Azure Portal > Azure Active Directory> App Registration > Add New Registration)
    • Client Secret (Inside the app registration added > Certificates and Secrets > Create new client secret)
    Permissions required Reader permissions (Add Inside specific subscription > Access Control (IAM) > Role Assignments > Add Role Assignment > Reader)
  5. Click Create on the top right of the screen to save the connection.

Be aware that any incorrect information provided in the configuration setup (for example, an incorrect password) will prevent proper reporting in the Scanning report.

Secure connection

After you have established a secure connection between the selected scanner and Azure Cloud, you can retrieve the following information.

Basic Information
Field Example
Instance ID (VM ID) eb982846-4594-4a66-afe5-dfb49f66
Name Win10-API-1
User (Admin Username) Discovery
Operating System (OS)  windows/linux
Cloud Details
Field Example
Location (US) East US
VM Size Standard_B1ls
Memory and CPU
Field Example
Memory 0.5 GB
Number of CPUs 1
Field Example (from cloud)
Name CentOS-API-1_DataDisk_0
Size 1024 GB
Type Microsoft.Compute/disks

More information about Discovery connections

See Connections for information about:

  • Scanned ports and a list of the default ports scanned via Nmap
  • How to run an on-demand scan
  • How to pull a Last Scan Report
  • What data is pulled during Discovery through connections
  • Pulling fields from a mobile device via Intune
  • Obtaining management data from remote computers via WMI

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