Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk

Automation rule to create a change record

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As a SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) administrator, you are constantly monitoring all aspects of SWSD. As incidents and/or changes are created, you hope to address and resolve them as seamlessly as possible. Therefore, SWSD provides the ability to automate a change creation. This can be triggered by an event such as the discovery of a new configuration item.


ITSM customers ESM customers
Setup > Service Desk > Automation Rules

Service Provider > Service Desk > Automation Rules

Set up a new automation rule for incident or change

  1. From the Automation Rules index page, select the blue Add icon to reveal the Add Automation Rule dialog.
  2. Populate the mandatory fields and add relevant conditions.
  3. Scroll down to Actions.
  4. Select Create Record.

  5. From the form, select the Record Type - Incident or Change.
  6. The Title has both a dynamic and static aspect. Notice the {{Title}} included in the default form. This ensures that the information will be pulled from the record that triggered the automation rule.
    1. Select to add variables such as Title, Site, Department etc.
    2. Manually add to the title to provide further details.
    3. Set predefined values from system and custom fields.

  1. After all the mandatory fields are populated, click Add Create Record.
It is important to populate all mandatory fields or the Create Record Action will fail.

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Automation rules