Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk


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This document explains how SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) administrators define the attributes of your organization's users as they relate to the roles, permissions, and restrictions they take on in SWSD. You can also export your user list via CSV, XML, or PDF, or you can print the list. Users are defined by domains (allowed and external).

It is important to assign a site and department to each user to help in automating flow of ITSM objects. For example, if an IT related incident is created, it can be automatically routed to a user in the IT department.

All users are created and managed at the Organization level. For customers using ESM, by default every user is a Requester with access to every service provider's portal.


ITSM customers ESM customers
Setup > Account > User & Groups > Users

Organization (or Service Provider) > Setup > Account > User & Groups > Users

It is important to note that after users are created, they can be viewed and edited at the Service Provider level.

User setup method options

There are multiple ways to create your users. Options are:

Import option

See CSV file imports, updates, and exports for instructions on how to import a csv file to create new user records. If you choose to import a group of users from a CSV file, first ensure that your sites and departments are set up in SWSD to exactly match the sites and departments in your import source file.

Manual option

You can also manually enter individual users. When creating users, you will need to enter details such as:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Site
  • Department
  • Reports to (Manager)
  • Role

User Provisioning option

You can choose to create, update, and disable user accounts via user provisioning.

Be sure to update the source database records before you provision.

Click the link below for the relevant integration:

Convert from external domain user to approved domain user

  1. Go to Settings > Users & Groups > Users.

  2. Select the External Domains tab.

  3. Select a name from the list.
    In the Actions column a new Convert button displays.

  4. Click Convert to convert the Requester to an Allowed Domain User.

All Users index page

As you build your user list, you can view all active and inactive users via the All Users index page. There you will find basic information such as:

  • User Name
  • Email
  • Role and more

Two tabs display on the All Users index page. They are Allowed Domains and External Domains. From either tab, when you hover in the Actions column over any user, multiple icons display (depending on the role of the user viewing the list, some icons may not display). Using these icons you can:

  • Edit the user profile
  • Disable a user
  • Resend an activation email
  • Reset user password
  • Delete user (users can only be deleted if they have never logged into SWSD)
  • Grant developer access

As you build the repository of users within your organization, you can customize the All Users index page to a view that best meets your needs. For example, to see user accounts that were recently updated, you could add the Updated at filter. See List viewfor more information. The Updated At filter is also available for API. See API documentation.

Display a summary of a user's different roles

Users whose organization uses ESM might have multiple roles for multiple service providers. You can display all of a user's roles in the organization's Users index table.

From the Organization service provider, you can drill down to a specific user and see on the right the different roles the user has and which service provider each role is associated with.

Change user's role

Both ITSM administrators and ESM service provider administrators can you can change user roles one at a time or via mass update.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Users & Groups > Users.

  2. On the Users index page, click Actions, and then select Update to change user roles.

  3. From there, in the Update panel on the left, select Role from the dropdown list, and then select the appropriate role, and click the check box to the left of the user(s) you want to change the role for.

Allow users to upload avatars

On the All Users index page, you can enable the toggle pill at the bottom of the page to allow users to upload their own avatars. When this toggle is disabled, the user identifier reflects the user's initials. Only after enabling this switch can users upload a personal picture.

User details page

To access a user's details page, click the user name on the All Users index page.

On the details page, in the panel on the left you can see information specific to the user, for example, the user's profile name, email address, and other information, such as site, department, role, language, last login date and time, number of email activities, and SWSD default landing page.

At the Organization level, you can click Actions to edit the user account, reset the user's password, print a user card, adjust user profile settings, and disable the user account.

When a user account is disabled it is automatically hidden from groups where the user was a member. Conversely, if a disabled user account is re-enabled, it will automatically re-appear in groups where it was a member.

In the pane on the right you can see assets assigned to the user, incidents assigned to the user in Service Desk, requested incidents, changes, and configuration properties.

Groups and Queues

After setting up users, you can then users to Groups, and then add users or groups to QueuesQueues

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