Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk

Mobile devices

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In SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD), you can track exactly what mobile devices your organization has. Both iOS and Android are supported. Administrators and agents can view your mobile inventory by location (for example, sites or department) or view any recently added mobile devices.


Assets > Mobile Devices.

Mobile device index page

To access the Mobile Device index page, navigate to Assets > Mobile Devices.

Here you can view a list of all tablets, cell phones, laptop devices, and other mobile devices used throughout your organization. You can also access the updated and detailed configuration and physical location of each device.

The Mobile Devices index page is fully customizable. See List view for more information. Two tabs are available: Devices and Invitations.

Devices tab

The Devices tab (above) shows the overview of your list of mobile assets. Under Devices you can view your mobile device inventory by criteria such as model, manufacturer, service provider, or with a custom tag.

Some important parts of the mobile inventory on the Devices tab:

  • Reporting Status

    • Green = Reporting
    • Red= Stopped Reporting
    • Grey= Never Reported
  • User (you can hover over the name to find more information on the user)

The default view includes:

  • Reporting Status
  • Owner
  • Model
  • Manufacturer
  • Service Provider
  • Last Report
  • Phone Number
  • Actions: Edit or Delete

Columns you can add include:

  • Company Issued
  • Department
  • Description
  • Device type
  • Enrollment Date
  • IMEI
  • iOS Device Name
  • iOS UDID
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • OS Version
  • Site
  • Scan origin
  • Serial number
  • Site
  • Status
  • Tags
  • Technical Contact

Invitations tab

Invitations allows you to send invitations to your user base and track the status of the invitations. You can import a list or add new users to this list. (See CSV file imports, updates, and exports for instructions.) Invitations display after a device is logged. When you send an invitation to a mobile device user, the user will receive an email to download a scanning app that can collect data from the device. 

The default view includes:

  • Invitation status (invited, enrolled, not invited)
  • Last invitation
  • Number of devices
  • Name
  • Email
  • Last Login
  • Role
  • Action - resend invitation

Columns you can add/remove include:

  • Email
  • Last login
  • Role
  • Department
  • Mobile phone
  • Phone
  • Reports to
  • Site
  • Title

Example invitation: (The invitation will be branded with your service desk name.)

Installation options for users

Users can install the agent from Google Play and add the token for Android or install the MDM profile on iOS by simply clicking install on the mobile device when the screen above displays.

iOS by design will only allow users to have one MDM profile so if the individual is using another MDM solution, they will need to replace the profile with the SWSD profile.
The Android agent works only on Android OS 9 and below.
The MDM agent provides a read-only discovery method and does not allow for remote wipe, lock, or similar options.

Example Results

  • iPhone

  • Android

Related topic

CSV file imports, updates, and exports (for administrators)