Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk

Other assets

On this page


Similar to the way all SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) Assets Management index pages work, from the Other Assets page you can manage assets not specifically defined as an asset type by SWSD. On the Other Assets page you can manage assets such as vehicles, monitors, desks, chairs, and other equipment.


Assets > Other Assets.

Other Assets index page

The Other Assets index screen displays a list of all Other Assets, that is, those not identified as a computer, software, printer, mobile device, or networked device. See List view for information on how to filter, edit and customize this view to best meet your needs.

The default view includes these columns:

  • Status
  • Preview
  • Name
  • Type
  • Owner
  • Site
  • Department
  • Serial Number

You can also add these columns:

  • Asset ID
  • Created At
  • Description
  • Email
  • Incidents
  • IP
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Maintenance Contract
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Tags
  • Updated At
  • User

Add a new asset

Just like all other assets, you can add them manually, or you can import a list from a .csv file.

Manual creation instructions

  1. Navigate to Assets > Other Assets

  2. Click the Add icon in the upper right.

  3. In the New Asset dialog, add information to required fields (name, manufacturer, type, and asset status)

  4. Populate other fields as appropriate for the specific asset.

  5. In the Tags area to the right, you can add tags to assist in searching, configuration item properties, purchase information, contract information, and many other relevant pieces of information.

  6. Click Create new Asset to save.

Import instructions

For instructions on importing from a .csv file, see CSV file imports, updates, and exports.

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