Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk

Reports: Asset management

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The reports in the SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) Asset Management section of SWSD help you better understand the health of your asset management processes. You can gain better insight by slicing and dicing the data provided from the assets in SWSD.

SWSD offers a variety of reports that focus on specific fields of interest.


Analytics > Reports.

Access asset management reports

  1. Navigate to Analytics > Reports.

  2. To the right, choose to view available reports in list view or grid view .

  3. Choose whether to view an existing report under My Reports, or create a new one from a template, under Templates > Asset Management.

Available asset management templates

Each report provides a description of the contents and how the information can be used. Some reports offer the option to filter, stack by, or group by specific data.

Computers Over Time

The Computers Over Time report provides a view of how many computers were created per chosen time frame, stacked by your field of interest.

Computer Volume Breakdown

With this report can view how many computers were created, broken down using two fields of interest.

Software Over Time

With this report can view how many software installations occurred per chosen time frame, stacked by Categories or Manufacturers.

Software Volume Breakdown

With this report can view how many software installations were identified based off Categories or Manufacturers.

Other Assets Over Time

With this report you can view how many Other Assets were added per chosen time frame, stacked by your field of interest.

Other Assets Volume Breakdown

View how many Other Assets were added, broken down using two fields of interest.

Contracts Over Time

View how many additional Contracts were added per chosen time frame, stacked by your field of interest.

Contract Volume Breakdown

View how many additional Contracts were added, broken down using two fields of interest.

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