Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk


On this page


Administrator can manage software found on devices by using SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) Discovery. You can also manage software manually.


Assets > Software.

Software index page

The Software index page contains a comprehensive list of all software found on devices and all purchased software licenses.  Such information can be helpful in managing your licenses. For example, if you purchased 1000 licenses of Microsoft O365 and are only utilizing 780, you might choose to renew only a percentage of the licenses.

When you select a software, SWSD reveals details specific to that software.  This includes details such as:

  • Total Installations (the total number of installations across all versions of the software)
  • Category
  • Tag
  • Manufacturer
  • Windows System Component

Under Software Details > Installations you can see:

  • Software title (clickable so you can see the specific version of the software)
  • Version (version of the software)
  • Installations (number of installs)
  • Tag
  • Date detected

If you do not need to monitor a specific software, you can hide it and/or export its information via CSV, XML, and other file types.

The software index page is customizable. See List view for more information.

The default view contains these columns:

  • Software
  • Version
  • Vendor
  • Category
  • Installs
  • First Detected
  • Tag

You can also add these columns:

  • Hidden
  • Windows System Component

Deleted hardware

When a piece of hardware with installed software is deleted, SWSD can take 24 to 48 hours to reflect the software installation count. This can result in a temporary discrepancy between the number of installations for a software and the total Installations for that same software.

Merge and split software titles

You can combine multiple versions of a software title under a single primary software name and split primary software titles.

Merge software titles to create a new primary title

You can combine multiple versions of a software title under a single primary software name, for example, all versions of Chrome could be under a primary title named Chrome.

As new versions of a software become available, merging with a primary is not automated. To merge, you have to perform the merge manually.

From the Software index page:

  1. If your list of installed software is long or crosses multiple pages, you can search for a word in the software title to reduce the number of entries in the displayed list.

  2. Place a checkmark to the left of each title you want to merge under a new primary title.

  3. Click Actions in the upper right, and from the drop-down menu, select Merge.

    The Merge Softwares panel opens to the right.

  4. In the Merge Softwares panel, notice that a software name already appears. The name is based on the first software in the merge list or the first primary in the merge list.

    Under it, you can see a pill icon showing that the name is a Primary title. You can click the pencil icon to edit the name of the new primary. After editing the name, click Save. See also Merge multiple primary titles into a single primary.

  5. Review the list of software titles. Click the trash can next to any you don't want to merge under the primary. Clicking the trash can also removes the checkmark from the list on the left.

  6. Click Merge.

  7. Wait for the merge to complete. When finished, a message displays at the top.

A pill icon containing the word Primary appears next to all primary titles in the Software column. The Version column contains the words Multiple Versions. If you click the primary software title, the Software Primary screen displays.

The Versions tab shows the different version numbers and how many installations of each version exist. From there you can click the title of a version to see the Installations tab which provides information about the computer(s) where the version is installed.

From the Software Summary page, you can use the Edit View option to filter by primary titles. See List view for more information.

  1. Click Edit View.

  2. Select the Filter tab.

  3. Click + Add Attribute.

  4. Select Is primary from drop-down.

If you click the link to any specific primary software's details page or regular software version's details page:

  • You can edit the Tag field and the tag will change for all versions within the primary.
  • You can also edit the Category field.

Merge a software title with an existing primary software title

From the Software index page:

  1. Place a checkmark to the left of each title you want to merge under an existing primary title.

  2. SolarWinds recommends that you look at the record for the primary software you want to add a new title/version to. Identify something unique like the number of installs to help you identify it properly in Step 4 below.

  3. Click Actions in the upper right, and from the drop-down menu, select Merge.

    The Merge Softwares panel opens to the right.

  4. In the Merge Softwares panel, under Add Softwares, use the drop-down to select the primary software title you want to add a new version to.

    Refer to Step 2 above to be sure you're selecting the correct primary software for merging to.
  5. Review the list of software titles. Click the trash can next to any you don't want to merge under the primary. Clicking the trash can also removes the checkmark from the list on the left.

  6. Click Merge.

  7. Wait for the merge to complete. When finished, a message displays at the top.

    After successfully merging softwares, you can click Undo.

Merge multiple primary titles into a single primary

You can also merge multiple primary software titles into a single primary title.

For example, if you have multiple versions of Chrome selected in the merge side pane and you merge them into a primary (let's call it Chrome primary 1), and you do the same for other Chrome versions merging them into a different primary (let's call it Chrome primary 2), you end up with two Chrome primaries. You can then merge these two primaries so that one of the first primaries you selected will contain the versions of the other primary, and the empty primary will be hidden.

Split software titles

You can split multiple software titles from a primary title.

From the Software index page:

  1. Click the primary software title that contains the software you want to split away from the primary.

  2. Place a checkmark to the left of each title you want to split from the primary title.

  3. Click Split in the upper right.

    The Split Softwares panel opens to the right.

  4. Review the list of software titles. Click the trash can next to any you don't want to split from the primary. Clicking the trash can also removes the checkmark from the list on the left.

  5. Click Split.

    After successfully splitting software titles, you can click Undo.

Delete all software with no installs

You can remove from the software index page all software with no installs. For more information, see Delete all zero installs software.

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