Contracts for ITAM
On this page
SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) the Contracts module provides a comprehensive list of all past and active contracts including software licenses, hardware leases, maintenance agreements, and other types of contracts. This is particularly helpful in relation to IT asset management (ITAM).
Contracts can be used to track anything with a start and end date, including relevant financial information, contract details, renewal schedules, and agreement terms.
Procurement > Contracts.
Contracts index page
The Contracts index page provides information such as the status of a contract, its name, manufacturer, type of contract, start- and end-date, number of items, and number of purchases.
You can customize the All Contracts index page to a view that best meets your needs. See List view for more information.
Contract Renewal Reminders
SWSD offers you the opportunity to create renewal reminders for new contracts as you create them, or to existing contracts that have already been saved. Reminder options are 15, 30, 60, 90, or 120 days before expiration.
When a reminder option is set, SWSD sends out an email reminder to the user who requested the contract reminder. The email logs keep track of contract reminder notices.
To view all contract reminders or those that had problems:
Navigate to Setup > Account > Email Logs.
Select the appropriate view:
You can choose to see all Email Logs, or only those that have had problems.
To see all: If All Email Logs are not displayed, use the dropdown arrow next to the index page name and select All Email Logs.
If you want to see only delivery problems, work from the Delivery Problems index page, and then move on to the remaining steps.
Click Edit View. To the left, click the Filter tab, and then set the Attribute to Reason and the Value to contract reminder.
Example of the filtered view
Create a new contract
Navigate to Procurement > Contracts.
Click Add
in the upper right.
In the New Contract dialog, select the type of contract from the dropdown. Options are: software license, subscription, lease, or maintenance.
Select the status from the dropdown. Options are: draft, active, review, expired, terminated.
Create a name (required).
Create a manufacturer name (required)
Select a license type (if you selected software license as the license type) from the dropdown.
You can also provide a start date, end date, site, and department, and a note.
Click Items, and then add new purchases.
Click purchases, and then attach files (for example, copies of contracts).
To the top right of the contract, you can add tags, any other contracts that are related to this contract, any related users, renewal reminders, and tasks.
Click Create Contract to save.
For instructions on how to import data for a specific contract, see CSV file imports, updates, and exports.
Add a contract renewal reminder to a saved contract
You can add a renewal reminder to a contract that has already been created.
To add during the creation, see Step 11 of Create a new contract. To add a reminder after a contract has been created and saved:
From the All Contracts index page, click the name of the active contract you need to edit.
In the top right, click Edit.
In bar on the right, expand Renewal Reminder by clicking the arrow to the right.
Select Enable, and then select when to send the reminder and who should receive it.
Click Save.
Renewed contracts
To help you identify the last time a contract was renewed, you can set up a custom field named Last Renewal Date and make it a Date field. Add the custom field to the Contract form, and update it when the contract has been renewed.
You can also add the field to the Contracts index table to help you see decision-making information.
Each contract has a Start Date and End Date. It can also have a renewal reminder set for 15-120 days prior to End Date.