Email section variables
System variables can be used in any email. When you select a tab a list of the system variables displays on the right. From there you can copy any variable by hovering over the variable name and then clicking Copy to the right of the variable.
System email variables can be used in email notification templates. They cannot be modified.
The following system variables are available:
- {{assignee_full_name}}
- {{attachments}}
- {{change_number}}
- {{change_title}}
- {{change_type}}
- {{department}}
- {{event_initiator}}
- {{event_initiator_email}}
- {{event_initiator_phone_number}}
- {{event_initiator_title}}
- {{hardware_asset_status}}
- {{hardware_category}}
- {{hardware_name}}
- {{hardware_owner}}
- {{hardware_tag}}
- {{hardware_technical_contact}}
- {{hardware_warranty_status}}
- {{incident_category}}
- {{incident_description}}
- {{incident_number}}
- {{incident_number_link_to_incident}}
- {{incident_origin}}
- {{incident_priority}}
- {{incident_title}}
- {{last_updated}}
- {{main}}
- {{main_event}}
- {{main_wo_action}}
- {{received_at}}
- {{requester_email}}
- {{requester_full_name}}
- {{requester_last_name}}
- {{requester_phonenumber}}
- {{samanage_link}}
- {{service_desk_logo}}
- {{servicedesk_name}}
- {{site}}
- {{solution_number}}
- {{solution_title}}
- {{state}}