Download a complete JSON response from a process integration call where an error occurred and include the response text in an email notification
On this page
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating an email notification as part of a workflow that sends a complete JSON when a workflow step fails. This feature makes it easier to troubleshoot and debug process integrations, providing better visibility into failures and errors within workflows. For example, administrators can download the complete JSON response from a process integration call directly from the workflow node where the error occurred. The response can be included in email notifications using a new email variable. This keeps administrators informed about integration failures or inconsistencies, providing improved tools for failure analysis and resolution.
Set up automatic notifications
Step 1: Set up process integration
See Setup: Integrations.
Step 2: Add a one or more recipients to the global setting
Navigate to Settings > Global Settings > Notifications Settings.
Scroll down to Send Process Integration Failure Notification.
Click + Add Recipients, and then add the people you want to notify.
SWSD sends a notification using the template as designed unless you choose to edit it. To edit the template:
Navigate to Setup > Service Desk > Notifications.
From the All Notifications index, search for Integration Error.
Open the template and edit the fields provided to customize your notification.
Manually download the JSON file
See Manually download the JSON text from a workflow process error.