Documentation forSolarWinds Observability

Adobe Coldfusion Server Integration

If you use Adobe Coldfusion Server to develop, design, and deploy web and cloud native applications between cloud providers such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS, you can instrument java-based Coldfusion Server service's with SolarWinds Observability and create a service entity.

Adobe Coldfusion Server is not listed as a supported OTel integration and SolarWinds cannot guarantee full feature compatibility. However, Adobe Coldfusion Server version 2021 was tested and verified to successfully send metrics and traces to SolarWinds Observability.
  1. Install the SolarWinds Observability Java library to your Coldfusion server host. See Application performance monitoring (APM) and Configure the Java Library.

  2. Start the Coldfusion server using the ./coldfusion start command.

  3. Log into your Coldfusion server admin interface, for example: http://<host>:5000/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm.

  4. Navigate to the Java and JVM Server Settings.

  5. Edit the JVM Arguments with the following agent parameters:

    -javaagent:/home/ubuntu/solarwinds-apm-agent.jar -Dsw.apm.service.key=YourServiceKey -Dsw.apm.collector=
    • Replace YourServiceKey with the Service key you are using to identify your account and the service being instrumented. 

      The Service key is a required configuration and should be in the form of YourApiToken:YourServiceName. Replace YourApiToken with the SolarWinds Observability API token (ingestion type) generated for this service, and replace YourServiceName with your chosen name for this service. See API Tokens.

      The service name is also called the entity's service ID in SolarWinds Observability. The service name can also be seen in the Overview tab in the service entity's Entity Explorer details view. Editing the display name of the service entity in SolarWinds Observability does not affect the Service key.

    • Replace xx-yy with the data center for your organization, which is determined by the URL you use to access SolarWinds Observability, see Data centers and endpoint URIs.

  6. Shut down the Coldfusion server using the ./coldfusion stop command, then restart the Coldfusion server using the ./coldfusion start command.

To view data for the newly configured entity, look for the entity with the same name as configured in Step 5 in the Entity Explorer. It may take a few seconds for data to appear for the newly created entity. See Entity Explorer for details.

For transaction and trace data to appear in the Entity Explorer and Traces Explorer, your service must be running and in use.