Documentation forSolarWinds Observability Saas

Add logs from services

Application logs can be sent to SolarWinds Observability using HTTPS or syslog for review and analysis. If the application's services are already being monitored through the use of an APM library, additional trace context can be added to logs to associate a service entity's traces to log messages. See Trace context in logs.

To send a monitored service's logs to SolarWinds Observability, the service must already be configured to use a logging framework capable of posting logs over HTTPS or sending logs using syslog.

Add logs to a service entity

If your monitored service is already configured to use a compatible logging framework, do the following to add trace context to the logs, send the logs to SolarWinds Observability, and associate the logs with the service entity:

  1. Set up trace context: See the following topics for how to enable trace context in logs for each library, as well as the supported logging libraries and SDK examples:

  2. Forward application logs: Application logs need to be forwarded to SolarWinds Observability using syslog or HTTPS, whichever method is compatible with your logging framework. See Send logs using syslog and Send logs over HTTPS.

  3. Associate syslog logs with an entity: Make sure application logs are associated with your service entity by identifying the syslog attribute sent with your service's logs.

    1. In the Entity Explorer List View, locate the service entity. Then click it to open the details view.

    2. Click the Logs tab.

    3. In the upper-right corner of the Logs tab, click the vertical ellipsis and click Set Logs Identification Method.

      The Logs Identification Method dialog opens.

    4. Click to toggle on Identify logs for this entity using syslog attributes.

    5. Verify the value in the syslog.appName field matches the service name that is sent with your logs.

View service entity's logs

Once the logging framework is set up, trace context is enabled, the application logs are forwarded, and the application logs are associated with the service entity, the service entity's logs will be available in SolarWinds Observability. Additional logs will be available to you as you follow a trace in the Traces Explorer, search for the service entity in the Logs Explorer, or view the entity in the Entity Explorer.