Documentation forSolarWinds Observability

AWS area overview

Click the AWS tab to view metric data collected from your Azure-managed hosts and resources.

Overall Health

A health score provides real-time insight into the overall health and performance of your monitored entities. The health score is calculated based on anomalies detected for the entity, alerts triggered for the entity's metrics, and the status of the entity. The health score is displayed as a single numerical value that ranges from a Good (70-100) to Moderate (40-69) to Bad (0-39) distinction. To view individual monitored AWS entities and their details in the Entity Explorer, click the widget title or click the vertical ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the widget and select View all AWS entities.


The total number of AWS accounts connected with the monitored AWS hosts and services, categorized by their statuses. To view and manage individual AWS accounts in Cloud Accounts, click the widget title or click the vertical ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the widget and select View all accounts.

Total active alerts by Service types

An overview of the active alerts triggered by all monitored AWS services, categorized by severity. Active alerts are alerts that have been triggered but not cleared. This includes acknowledged alerts.

Top 5 Accounts

Widgets show the five accounts with the most:

  • entities with bad health scores
  • entities with critical alerts
  • monitored entities
  • regions monitored

EC2 instances: SWO Agent Status

The total number of monitored EC2 instances, categorized based on whether the SolarWinds Observability Agent is installed on the EC2 instance or not. To view individual monitored EC2s and their details in the Entity Explorer, click the widget title or click the vertical ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the widget and select View all EC2s.


The Accounts tile lists all monitored AWS accounts, displaying the account status and name, as well the total number of service types, entities, and regions.


The Services tile lists all monitored AWS services, displaying the service name, as well as the number of entities and active alerts.