Documentation forSolarWinds Observability SaaS

Troubleshoot cloud platforms

If you encounter trouble with AWS or Azure cloud platforms data collection, try the following resolutions:

Data not displaying in SolarWinds Observability SaaS

Depending on the way your cloud platform or its services and resources were configured, some metrics may not be available. Use the Azure Resource Manager to gather metrics for an Azure resource. Metrics for an AWS service are only available if CloudWatch metrics have been enabled in the AWS Console.

The metrics available may also depend on the subscription pricing tier of your cloud platform or its services and resources. For some Azure metrics, the premium pricing tier would need to be selected when configuring your Azure namespaces. To gather additional AWS metrics, enable detailed CloudWatch metrics for your AWS services.

See Overview of Event Hubs Premium for details about the Premium pricing tier for the Event Hub resources, and Configure processing units for a premium tier Azure Event Hubs namespace for how to set up your Event Hub namespace with the premium tier.

The exact pricing tier requirements and instructions may vary by Azure resource.

AWS data collection stopped due to throttling

There is a specific limit set for the number of API calls sent to AWS accounts to fetch data. When API thresholds are crossed, AWS creates a throttling exception and the AWS poller stops fetching data for the resource that throttled for the next ten minutes. This provides enough time for throttling situations to settle down. However, if you have too many resources to be monitored in a specific region, or if you have integrated your AWS account with multiple vendors, you might want to consider increasing your API request quota.

Create custom dashboards to view the API call and throttling rates

The steps below describe how to create a dashboard to view the number of CloudWatch polling calls made to your AWS account against the number of calls that are throttled by AWS. This helps you understand the limits, may help avoiding future throttling issues, or provide a clear justification for the API quota increase request.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, click CloudWatch.

  2. In the left pane, select Dashboards.

  3. Click Create dashboard in the upper right.

  4. Enter the dashboard name and click Create dashboard.

  5. Under Data sources types - new, select CloudWatch. Under Widget type, select Line. Click Next.

  6. Under Metrics, type GetMetricData in the search field. Click Usage > By AWS Resource, and select both metrics listed.

  7. Open the Graphed metrics tab. For both the ThrottleCount and the CallCount metrics, select Sum in the Statistic column. Click Create widget.

  8. If necessary, resize the metric tile and click Save in the top-right corner.

Hovering over the line chart on the dashboard provides information on the call count and throttling rate.

Request a service limit increase

Use the instructions below to request a service limit increase for your API request quota.

  1. In the AWS Management Console, click Service Quotas > Dashboard.

  2. Search for CloudWatch to find the corresponding quotas.

  3. Select the quota you want to increase. For example, GetMetricData API requests.

  4. Click Request quota increase.

  5. Fill out the form specifying your new limit and the justification for the increase.