Documentation forSolarWinds Observability

Network Topology

The Topology tab on the Kubernetes Cluster details page of the Entity Explorer displays a topological graph illustrating the communication links between all workloads and services within the cluster.

  • The nodes on the Topology tab on the Kubernetes Cluster details page are grouped by namespaces by default. You can expand or collapse a group by double-clicking.

  • A context menu is displayed when you right-click any node, providing the following options:

    • If the node is associated with a Kubernetes workload, an option to navigate to its details is provided.

    • If the node has an associated integration, DEM probe, APM service, or database, an option to navigate to the details is provided.

    • If an integration on the node is discovered, you are provided an option to add the integration.

    • If a database on the node is discovered, you are provided an option to add the database.

    • You can hide nodes. This helps clean up the topology graph.

  • Arrows on the connections indicate the direction of communication. If no arrow is present, the direction could not be identified.

  • The color of the connections indicates the health of the communication based on the HTTP success rate percentage, following the below rules:

    • Green: 100% success rate.

    • Yellow: Success rate between 70% and 100%.

    • Red: Success rate below 70%.

    • Gray: The success rate could not be calculated, or the communication is not HTTP-based.

  • The colors on the nodes indicate the status of the related workload or the associated integration, DEM probe, APM service, or database.

  • Clicking a connection displays an inspector panel with detailed metrics of the connection.

  • Clicking a node displays an inspector panel with detailed information about the related workload or associated integration, DEM probe, APM service, or database.

  • You can temporarily rearrange the nodes using drag and drop. Custom arrangements are not displayed after refreshes.

  • With filter panels, you can filter nodes and connections via the following options:

    • Type - Filters nodes and connections that only communicate using selected types.

    • Scope - Filters nodes and their connections based on whether they run within the Kubernetes cluster.

      • Internal - The node is associated with a workload that runs within the cluster.

      • External - The node is not associated with any workload that runs within the cluster.

    • Namespace - Filters nodes and their connections that are related to a specific Kubernetes namespace.

    • Hide node - Applies filters using the Hide node option in the node context menu.

The Topology tab on the Kubernetes Deployment, StatefulSet, and DaemonSet details pages of the Entity Explorer displays a topological graph illustrating the communication links between the chosen workload and other workloads and services within the cluster.

The topology is computed using OTeL metrics or Istio metrics, depending on which are available. If both are available, displayed topology is computed based on Istio metrics. Switching to OTeL metrics is possible in the top-right corner of the topological graph.

  • The collection of OTeL metrics is not activated by default and must be enabled in the helm values.yaml using the setting ebpfNetworkMonitoring.enabled: true.
  • The collection of Istio metrics is activated by default. Istio must be installed and enabled on the cluster.
  • Fargate nodes are not supported for OTeL metrics or for Istio metrics.