Documentation forSolarWinds Observability

Service Bus metrics

Azure Service Bus is an enterprise message broker with message queues and publish-subscribe topics (in a namespace). Use the Azure Resource Manager to gather metrics for this resource, then ensure your cloud platform is configured in SolarWinds Observability to collect this resource type's data. See Add an Azure cloud account.

Depending on the subscription pricing tier of your Azure account or its resources, additional metrics may be available for this entity. To collect additional Azure metrics, select the premium pricing tier when configuring your Azure namespaces.

Many of the collected metrics from Azure Service Bus entities are displayed as widgets in SolarWinds Observability explorers; additional metrics may be collected and available in the Metrics Explorer. You can also create an alert for when an entity's metric value moves out of a specific range. See Entities in SolarWinds Observability for information about entity types in SolarWinds Observability.

The following table lists some of the metrics collected for these entities. To see the Azure Service Bus metrics in the Metrics Explorer, type azure.servicebus.namespaces in the search box.


AbandonMessage. The total number of messages abandoned over a specified period.


ActiveConnections. The total number of active connections on a namespace and on an entity in the namespace. The value for this metric is a point-in-time value. Connections that were active immediately after that point in time may not be reflected in the metric.


ActiveMessages. The average number of active messages in a queue/topic.


CompleteMessage. The total number of messages completed over a specified period.


ConnectionsClosed. The average number of connections closed. The value for this metric is an aggregation and includes all connections that were opened in the aggregation time window.


ConnectionsOpened. The average number of connections opened. The value for this metric is an aggregation and includes all connections that were opened in the aggregation time window.


DeadletteredMessages. The average number of dead-lettered messages in a queue/topic.


IncomingMessages. The total number of events or messages sent to Service Bus over a specified period. For basic and standard tiers, incoming auto-forwarded messages are included in this metric. For the premium tier, they aren't included.


IncomingRequests. The total number of requests made to the Service Bus service over a specified period.


Messages. The average number of messages in a queue/topic.


OutgoingMessages. The total number of events or messages received from Service Bus over a specified period. The outgoing auto-forwarded messages aren't included in this metric.


PendingCheckpointOperationCount. The average number of pending checkpoint operations on the namespace. Service starts to throttle when the pending checkpoint count exceeds limit of (500,000 + (500,000 * messaging units)) operations. This metric applies only to namespaces using the premium tier.


ScheduledMessages. The average number of scheduled messages in a queue/topic.


ServerErrors. The total number of requests not processed because of an error in the Service Bus service over a specified period.


ServerSendLatency. The average time taken by the Service Bus service to complete the request.


Size. The average size of an entity (queue or topic) in bytes.


SuccessfulRequests. The total number of successful requests made to the Service Bus service over a specified period.


ThrottledRequests. The total number of requests that were throttled because the usage was exceeded.


UserErrors. The total number of requests not processed because of user errors over a specified period.