HTTP and other status codes in SolarWinds Observability SaaS
When you monitor your websites or URIs through SolarWinds Observability SaaS Synthetic monitoring , you may encounter outages. Outages can occur when any site or server doesn't respond with an HTTP 200 status of OK, and instead responds with an HTTP error message. See the table below for information about errors you may encounter.
Check Type | Short Description | Detailed Description |
HTTP | Timeout (> 30s) | The page took too long to load and timed out. |
HTTP | HTTP Error 400 | HTTP Server Error 400 Bad Request |
HTTP | HTTP Error 401 | HTTP Server Error 401 Unauthorized |
HTTP | HTTP Error 403 | HTTP Server Error 403 Forbidden |
HTTP | HTTP Error 404 | HTTP Server Error 404 Not Found |
HTTP | HTTP Error 405 | HTTP Server Error 405 Method Not Allowed |
HTTP | HTTP Error 406 | HTTP Server Error 406 Not Acceptable |
HTTP | HTTP Error 407 | HTTP Server Error 407 Proxy Authentication Required |
HTTP | HTTP Error 408 | HTTP Server Error 408 Request Timeout |
HTTP | HTTP Error 500 | HTTP Server Error 500 Internal Server Error |
HTTP | HTTP Error 502 | HTTP Server Error 502 Bad Gateway |
HTTP | HTTP Error 503 | HTTP Server Error 503 Service Unavailable |
HTTP | HTTP Error 504 | HTTP Server Error 504 Gateway Timeout |
HTTP | HTTP Error 505 | HTTP Server Error 505 HTTP Version Not Supported |
HTTP | No data from server | No data received from server |
HTTP | Required string missing | The required string was not found |
HTTP | Invalid HTTP response | Invalid HTTP response received from server |
HTTP | Too many redirections | Maximum redirection depth reached |
HTTP | Infinite redirection loop | Redirection creates an infinite loop |
HTTP | SSL connection error | Cannot make SSL connection - Error on receive |
HTTP | Timeout (> 30s) | Socket timeout, unable to connect to server |
HTTP | Connection refused | Connection refused by server |
HTTP | Unknown target | The URL is invalid or the server was not found |
HTTP | Network error | Network is unreachable |
HTTP | Network error | No route to host |
HTTP | DNS error | Temporary failure in name resolution |
HTTP | Connection reset | Connection reset by peer |
HTTP | DNS error | Non-recoverable failure in name resolution |
HTTP | Unknown target | The URL is invalid or the server was not found |
HTTP | Unknown error | Unknown internal error |
HTTP | Redirection error | Could not find redirect location |
HTTP | SSL connection error | Cannot make SSL connection - No data received from server |
HTTP | Connection reset | Error on receive |
HTTP | Forbidden string found | The string that should not exist on the page was found |
HTTP | HTTP Error 413 | HTTP Server Error 413 Request Entity Too Large |
HTTP | HTTP Error 507 | HTTP Server Error 507 Unexpected error |
HTTP | HTTP Error 520 | HTTP Error 520 |
Ping | Timeout | Forced timeout |
Ping | Packet loss | Packet loss occurred |
Ping | Unknown target | Invalid hostname/address |
Ping | Timeout | Time to live exceeded |
Ping | Network error | Host Unreachable |
Ping | Unknown error | Unknown internal error |
Ping | Timeout | Ping timed out |
Ping | Network error | Host not found |
Ping | Network error | Multiple hosts responded |
Ping | Unknown error | Unknown internal error |
Ping | Timeout | Ping timed out |
Ping | Network error | Port unreachable |
Ping | Unknown error | Unknown internal error |
TCP Port | Timeout (> 30s) | The connection took too long to establish |
TCP Port | Unknown target | Invalid hostname, address or socket |
TCP Port | Connection refused | Connection refused by host |
TCP Port | Timeout (> 30s) | Socket timeout |
TCP Port | Network error | No route to host |
TCP Port | Network error | Network is unreachable |
TCP Port | Unknown target | Name or service not known |
TCP Port | Unknown target | Servername was not provided or unknown |
TCP Port | DNS error | Temporary failure in name resolution |
TCP Port | Connection reset | Connection reset |
TCP Port | Invalid response | Unexpected response from host/socket |
HTTP Status Codes
Check Type | Short Description | Long Description |
HTTP | HTTP 100 Continue | HTTP request has been received. |
HTTP | HTTP 101 Switching Protocols | HTTP request to switch protocols. |
HTTP | HTTP 102 Processing | HTTP Processing request. |
HTTP | HTTP 103 Early Hints | HTTP returns some headers before final message. |
HTTP | HTTP 200 OK | HTTP successful request. |
HTTP | HTTP 201 Created | HTTP created resource. |
HTTP | HTTP 202 Accepted | HTTP accepted for processing. |
HTTP | HTTP 203 Non-Authoritative Information | |
HTTP | HTTP 204 No Content | HTTP not returning content. |
HTTP | HTTP 205 Reset Content | HTTP processed request, but is not returning content. |
HTTP | HTTP 206 Reset Content | HTTP is returning partial content. |
HTTP | HTTP 207 Multi-Status | HTTP multi status |
HTTP | HTTP 208 Already Reported | HTTP already reported |
HTTP | HTTP 226 IM Used | HTTP IM used |
HTTP | HTTP 300 Multiple Choices | |
HTTP | HTTP 301 Moved Permanently | HTTP request should be redirected to given URI |
HTTP | HTTP 302 Found | HTTP to browse to another URL |
HTTP | HTTP 303 See Other | HTTP GET to another URI |
HTTP | HTTP 304 Not Modified | HTTP Not modified |
HTTP | HTTP 305 Use Proxy | HTTP request only available through proxy |
HTTP | HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect | HTTP temporary redirect to URI |
HTTP | HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect | HTTP permanent redirect to given URI |
HTTP | Timeout (> 30s) | The page took too long to load and timed out. |
HTTP | HTTP Error 400 | HTTP Server Error 400 Bad Request |
HTTP | HTTP Error 401 | HTTP Server Error 401 Unauthorized |
HTTP | HTTP Error 403 | HTTP Server Error 403 Forbidden |
HTTP | HTTP Error 404 | HTTP Server Error 404 Not Found |
HTTP | HTTP Error 405 | HTTP Server Error 405 Method Not Allowed |
HTTP | HTTP Error 406 | HTTP Server Error 406 Not Acceptable |
HTTP | HTTP Error 407 | HTTP Server Error 407 Proxy Authentication Required |
HTTP | HTTP Error 408 | HTTP Server Error 408 Request Timeout |
HTTP | HTTP Error 500 | HTTP Server Error 500 Internal Server Error |
HTTP | HTTP Error 502 | HTTP Server Error 502 Bad Gateway |
HTTP | HTTP Error 503 | HTTP Server Error 503 Service Unavailable |
HTTP | HTTP Error 504 | HTTP Server Error 504 Gateway Timeout |
HTTP | HTTP Error 505 | HTTP Server Error 505 HTTP Version Not Supported |
HTTP | No data from server | No data received from server |
HTTP | Required string missing | The required string was not found |
HTTP | Invalid HTTP response | Invalid HTTP response received from server |
HTTP | Too many redirections | Maximum redirection depth reached |
HTTP | Infinite redirection loop | Redirection creates an infinite loop |
HTTP | SSL connection error | Cannot make SSL connection - Error on receive |
HTTP | Timeout (> 30s) | Socket timeout, unable to connect to server |
HTTP | Connection refused | Connection refused by server |
HTTP | Unknown target | The URL is invalid or the server was not found |
HTTP | Network error | Network is unreachable |
HTTP | Network error | No route to host |
HTTP | DNS error | Temporary failure in name resolution |
HTTP | Connection reset | Connection reset by peer |
HTTP | DNS error | Non-recoverable failure in name resolution |
HTTP | Unknown target | The URL is invalid or the server was not found |
HTTP | Unknown error | Unknown internal error |
HTTP | Redirection error | Could not find redirect location |
HTTP | SSL connection error | Cannot make SSL connection - No data received from server |
HTTP | Connection reset | Error on receive |
HTTP | Forbidden string found | The string that should not exist on the page was found |
HTTP | HTTP Error 413 | HTTP Server Error 413 Request Entity Too Large |
HTTP | HTTP Error 507 | HTTP Server Error 507 Unexpected error |
HTTP | HTTP Error 520 | HTTP Error 520 |
Ping status codes
Check Type | Short Description | Long Description |
Ping | Timeout | Forced timeout |
Ping | Packet loss | Packet loss occurred |
Ping | Unknown target | Invalid hostname/address |
Ping | Timeout | Time to live exceeded |
Ping | Network error | Host Unreachable |
Ping | Unknown error | Unknown internal error |
Ping | Timeout | Ping timed out |
Ping | Network error | Host not found |
Ping | Network error | Multiple hosts responded |
Ping | Unknown error | Unknown internal error |
Ping | Timeout | Ping timed out |
Ping | Network error | Port unreachable |
Ping | Unknown error | Unknown internal error |
Ping | Timeout | Forced timeout |
Ping | Packet loss | Packet loss occurred |
TCP Port status codes
Check Type | Short Description | Long Description |
TCP Port | Timeout (> 30s) | The connection took too long to establish |
TCP Port | Unknown target | Invalid hostname, address or socket |
TCP Port | Connection refused | Connection refused by host |
TCP Port | Timeout (> 30s) | Socket timeout |
TCP Port | Network error | No route to host |
TCP Port | Network error | Network is unreachable |
TCP Port | Unknown target | Name or service not known |
TCP Port | Unknown target | Servername was not provided or unknown |
TCP Port | DNS error | Temporary failure in name resolution |
TCP Port | Connection reset | Connection reset |
TCP Port | Invalid response | Unexpected response from host/socket |