Documentation forSolarWinds Observability

Send logs from Kubernetes clusters running on AWS Fargate

When you deploy the SWO K8s Collector to an AWS EKS cluster with a Fargate profile, by default, the SWO K8s Collector does not collect any logs from pods running on Fargate. If you wish to collect logs from pods running on Fargate, you must set up the log collection.


Before you begin, make sure:

Set up Fargate logs

  1. Configure the EKS cluster to send Fargate logs to AWS CloudWatch. For manual configuration, see Set up log collection manually. For automatic configuration, see Set up log collection using the SWO K8s Collector.

  2. Verify that the logs are available in SolarWinds Observability. By default, all container logs are collected without any filtering.

Filter Fargate logs

You can filter logs sent to SolarWinds Observability using the following methods:

  • Apply event filtering to the Lambda that is forwarding logs to SolarWinds Observability. For more information, see Lambda event filtering.

  • Apply additional FluentBit filters in the ConfigMap that is deployed to the cluster during setup.

    Any changes to the ConfigMap will be applied only to pods that start after the modification.

Stop log collection

To stop sending logs from a Fargate EKS cluster to SolarWinds Observability, follow the instructions below.

  1. Remove the Fargate logging configuration from the cluster.

    • If the Fargate logging configuration in the cluster is managed by the SWO K8s Collector, adjust the values.yaml file by removing the aws_fargate section and re-deploying the SWO K8s Collector to the cluster.

    • If the Fargate logging configuration in the cluster was created manually, remove the aws-logging ConfigMap from the aws-observability namespace.

  2. (Optional) Remove the CloudWatch IAM policy applied to the pod execution role during the setup.

  3. Remove the Lambda that forwards the logs to SolarWinds Observability.