Documentation forSolarWinds Observability SaaS

Upgrade the .NET Library

The most recent .NET Library version and release date is 5.3.9 - February 20, 2025. See the .NET Library release notes for details of the recent changes to the library.

Upgrading IIS Only instrumentation

  1. Run iisreset /STOP to stop IIS.
  2. Run the uninstaller: %PROGRAMFILES%\SolarWinds\APM\dotnet\unins000.exe The uninstaller filename has the format unins<nnn>.exe where nnn will increment on reinstalls.
  3. Download the latest .NET Library from
  4. Run the new installer.
  5. Run iisreset /START to start IIS.

Upgrading IIS and non-IIS instrumentation

These steps document how to upgrade the .NET Library when both IIS and non-IIS services are being instrumented.

  1. Run iisreset /STOP to stop IIS.
  2. Stop services configured in the applications section of the solarwinds_apm.config file.
  3. Run the uninstaller: %PROGRAMFILES%\SolarWinds\APM\dotnet\unins000.exe.
  4. Download the latest .NET Library from
  5. Run the new .NET Library installer.
  6. Run iisreset /START to start IIS.
  7. Restart any services stopped in Step 2.

SolarWindsAPM.Agent NuGet package

The SolarWindsAPM.Agent NuGet package provides automatic instrumentation support. See SolarWindsAPM.Agent NuGet package.