Hosts area overview
The Hosts area overview consists of the following tabs:
The Overview tab displays metric data collected from all monitored hosts over the selected time period.
Overall Health
A health score provides real-time insight into the overall health and performance of your monitored entities. The health score is calculated based on anomalies detected for the entity, alerts triggered for the entity's metrics, and the status of the entity. The health score is displayed as a single numerical value that ranges from a Good (70-100) to Moderate (40-69) to Bad (0-39) distinction. To view individual monitored hosts and their details in the Entity Explorer, click the widget title or click the vertical ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the widget and select View all hosts.
Health Distribution
A graph displaying the number of hosts in individual health score categories over the selected time period.
Top 5 Alerting Hosts
The Top 5 Alerting Hosts widget shows the top five self-managed hosts with the greatest number of alerts.
Active Alerts
An overview of the active alerts triggered by hosts, categorized by severity. Active alerts are alerts that have been triggered but not cleared. This includes acknowledged alerts. For more information about the entity's active alerts, click the widget title or click the vertical ellipsis () in the upper-right corner of the widget and click View All Active Alerts.
All hosts
The All hosts tile lists all monitored hosts, by default in the List View, displaying the host health and name, as well operating system, CPU, memory, and monitoring status (active or inactive).
- To only display specific hosts, click the filter icon and specify what hosts should be displayed.
- To find a specific host, type a name or a tag into the search field.
- To switch to Grid View, click the Grid View icon next to the search field.
The AWS EC2 tile lists all monitored AWS EC2 hosts, by default in the List View, displaying the host health and name, as well operating system, native state, region, and CPU.
- To only display specific hosts, click the filter icon and specify what hosts should be displayed.
- To find a specific host, type a name or a tag into the search field.
- To switch to Grid View, click the Grid View icon next to the search field.
Azure VM
The Azure VM tile lists all monitored Azure VM hosts, by default in the List View, displaying the host health and name, as well operating system, native state, region, and CPU.
- To only display specific hosts, click the filter icon and specify what hosts should be displayed.
- To find a specific host, type a name or a tag into the search field.
- To switch to Grid View, click the Grid View icon next to the search field.
Other hosts
The Other hosts tile lists all hosts monitored with the SolarWinds Observability Agent, by default in the List View, displaying the host health and name, as well operating system, CPU, memory, and monitoring status (active or inactive).
- To only display specific hosts, click the filter icon and specify what hosts should be displayed.
- To find a specific host, type a name or a tag into the search field.
- To switch to Grid View, click the Grid View icon next to the search field.
The Discovered tab lists all discovered hosts, displaying the host name, operating system, status, polling IP address, number of discovered elements, date of discovery, name of the user who ran the discovery, and name of the Network Collector. The page also displays a banner with information on how many hosts were discovered during the latest discovery run.