Documentation forSolarWinds Observability

View all defined alerts

The Alert Settings page lists all alerts that are currently defined. Use this page to view high-level information and to manage alert definitions.

Open the Alert Settings page

In the left pane, click Alerts > Alert Settings.

Locate specific alert definitions

To locate specific alert definitions, you can sort, apply filters, or search by name:

  • Click a column heading to sort the list by name, severity, description, or whether it is currently active.

  • Apply filters to show only a subset of the alert definitions, such as all active alerts or all disabled alerts.

    1. If the Filters pane is closed, click the filter icon to open it.

    2. Select one or more filters to apply them.

      The Alert Settings page lists only the alert definitions that meet all filter criteria.

  • To search for an alert definition, enter part of the alert name in the Search Alerts box. The Alert Settings page lists only the alert definitions that include the string you entered.

View alert definition details

Click an alert definition name to open the details view for that alert definition. The details view displays information on the following tabs:

  • The Overview tab includes the following information: 

    • The current status and active time.

    • Information about the entities that have triggered the alert.

    • Alert details, including the description, severity, scope, and conditions.

    • The most recent changes to the alert.

  • The All Evaluations tab shows entities within the scope of the alert and indicates whether they have triggered the alert.

  • The History tab shows when this alert was triggered in the past.

  • The Change History tab shows more detailed information about the changes made to this alert. Click the Filter icon to open the Filters pane and filter by the user who made the change.

On any tab that lists triggering entities, you can click an entity name to display information that can help you troubleshoot why the alert was triggered for that entity.

Other actions

From the Alert Settings page, you can also: