Documentation forSolarWinds Observability SaaS

Elasticsearch metrics

Many of the collected metrics from the Elasticsearch integration are displayed as widgets in SolarWinds Observability custom and pre-built dashboards; additional metrics may be collected and available in the Metrics Explorer.

This topic lists some of the critical metrics collected for the integration. To see the Elasticsearch metrics in the Metrics Explorer, type Elasticsearch in the search box.

Metric Units Description
elasticsearch.breaker.memory.estimated bytes (By)

The estimated memory used for the operation.

elasticsearch.breaker.memory.limit bytes (By) The memory limit for the circuit breaker.
elasticsearch.breaker.tripped 1 The total number of times the circuit breaker has been triggered and prevented an out of memory error.
elasticsearch.cluster.data_nodes {nodes} Data Nodes. The number of data nodes in the cluster. status Cluster by Status. The health status of the cluster. Health status is based on the state of its primary and replica shards. Green indicates all shards are assigned. Yellow indicates that one or more replica shards are unassigned. Red indicates that one or more primary shards are unassigned, making some data unavailable.
elasticsearch.cluster.in_flight_fetch {fetches} The number of unfinished fetches.
elasticsearch.cluster.nodes {nodes} Nodes, Top 5 Clusters by Node Count. The total number of nodes in the cluster.
elasticsearch.cluster.pending_tasks {tasks} Pending Tasks in Cluster. The number of cluster-level changes that have not yet been executed.
elasticsearch.cluster.published_states.differences 1 The number of differences between published cluster states.
elasticsearch.cluster.published_states.full 1 The number of published cluster states.
elasticsearch.cluster.shards {shards} Active Shards, Shards by State. The number of shards in the cluster.
elasticsearch.cluster.state_queue 1 The number of cluster states in queue.
elasticsearch.cluster.state_update.count 1 The number of cluster state update attempts that changed the cluster state since the node started.
elasticsearch.cluster.state_update.time milliseconds (ms) The cumulative amount of time updating the cluster state since the node started.
elasticsearch.index.operations.completed {operations} The number of operations completed for an index.
elasticsearch.index.operations.time milliseconds (ms) Time spent on operations for an index.
elasticsearch.index.shards.size bytes (By) The size of the shards assigned to this index.
elasticsearch.indexing_pressure.memory.limit bytes (By) The configured memory limit, in bytes, for the indexing requests. 1 The cumulative number of indexing requests rejected in the primary stage. 1 The number of indexing requests rejected in the replica stage.
elasticsearch.memory.indexing_pressure bytes (By) Indexing Pressure. The memory consumed, in bytes, by indexing requests in the specified stage.
elasticsearch.node.cache.count {count} The total count of query cache misses across all shards assigned to selected nodes.
elasticsearch.node.cache.evictions {evictions} The number of evictions from the cache on a node.
elasticsearch.node.cache.memory.usage bytes (By) The size in bytes of the cache on a node.
elasticsearch.node.cluster.connections {connections} Cluster Connections. The number of open TCP connections for internal cluster communication. bytes (By) The number of bytes sent and received on the network for internal cluster communication. bytes per second (By/s) Network Traffic. The number of bytes sent and received for internal cluster communication per second. kilobytes (KiBy) Disk Read and Write. The total number of kilobytes read across all file stores for this node. kilobytes (KiBy) Disk Read and Write. The total number of kilobytes written across all file stores for this node.
elasticsearch.node.documents {documents} The number of documents on the node.
elasticsearch.node.fs.disk.available bytes (By) The amount of disk space available to the JVM across all file stores for this node. Depending on OS or process level restrictions, this might appear less than free. This is the actual amount of free disk space the Elasticsearch node can use. bytes (By) The amount of unallocated disk space across all file stores for this node. bytes (By) The amount of disk space across all file stores for this node.
elasticsearch.node.http.connections {connections} The number of HTTP connections to the node.
elasticsearch.node.ingest.documents {documents} The total number of documents ingested during the lifetime of this node.
elasticsearch.node.ingest.documents.current {documents} The total number of documents currently being ingested.
lasticsearch.node.ingest.operations.failed {operation} The total number of failed ingest operations during the lifetime of this node.
elasticsearch.node.open_files {files} Open File Descriptors. The number of open file descriptors held by the node.
elasticsearch.node.operations.completed {operations} The number of operations completed by a node.
elasticsearch.node.operations.completed.rate {operations} per second Node Operations Completed per Second. The number of operations completed for an index per second.
elasticsearch.node.operations.time milliseconds (s) Total Time Spent on Operations. The time spent on operations by a node.
elasticsearch.node.pipeline.ingest.documents.current {documents} The total number of documents currently being ingested by a pipeline.
elasticsearch.node.pipeline.ingest.documents.preprocessed {documents} The number of documents preprocessed by the ingest pipeline.
elasticsearch.node.pipeline.ingest.operations.failed {operation} The total number of failed operations for the ingest pipeline.
elasticsearch.node.script.cache_evictions 1 The total number of times the script cache has evicted old data.
elasticsearch.node.script.compilation_limit_triggered 1 The total number of times the script compilation circuit breaker has limited inline script compilations.
elasticsearch.node.script.compilations {compilations} The total number of inline script compilations performed by the node.
elasticsearch.node.shards.data_set.size bytes (By) The total data set size of all shards assigned to the node. This includes the size of shards not stored fully on the node, such as the cache for partially mounted indices.
elasticsearch.node.shards.reserved.size bytes (By) A prediction of how much larger the shard stores on this node will eventually grow due to ongoing peer recoveries, restoring snapshots, and similar activities. A value of -1 indicates that this is not available.
elasticsearch.node.shards.size bytes (By) The size of the shards assigned to this node.
elasticsearch.node.thread_pool.tasks.finished {tasks} The number of tasks finished by the thread pool.
elasticsearch.node.thread_pool.tasks.queued {tasks} Queued Tasks in Thread Pool. The number of queued tasks in the thread pool.
elasticsearch.node.thread_pool.threads {threads} The number of threads in the thread pool.
elasticsearch.node.translog.operations {operations} The number of transaction log operations.
elasticsearch.node.translog.size bytes (By) The size of the transaction log.
elasticsearch.node.translog.uncommitted.size bytes (By) The size of uncommitted transaction log operations.
elasticsearch.os.cpu.load_avg.15m 1 CPU Utilization. The fifteen-minute load average on the system. The field is not present if fifteen-minute load average is not available.
elasticsearch.os.cpu.load_avg.1m 1 CPU Utilization. The one-minute load average on the system. The field is not present if one-minute load average is not available.
elasticsearch.os.cpu.load_avg.5m 1 CPU Utilization. The five-minute load average on the system. The field is not present if five-minute load average is not available.
elasticsearch.os.cpu.usage Percent (%) The recent CPU usage for the whole system, or -1 if not supported.
elasticsearch.os.memory bytes (By) The amount of physical memory.
jvm.classes.loaded 1 The number of loaded classes.
jvm.gc.collections.count 1 The total number of garbage collections that have occurred.
jvm.gc.collections.count.rate collections per second JVM GC Collection Count per Second. The number of Java Virtual Machine garbage collections that have occurred per second.
jvm.gc.collections.elapsed milliseconds (ms) Total JVM GC Collection Time. The approximate accumulated collection elapsed time .
jvm.memory.heap.committed bytes (By) JVM Memory Heap Committed vs Used. The amount of memory that is guaranteed to be available for the heap.
jvm.memory.heap.max bytes (By) The maximum amount of memory can be used for the heap .
jvm.memory.heap.used bytes (By) JVM Memory Heap Committed vs Used. The current heap memory usage.
jvm.memory.nonheap.committed bytes (By) The amount of memory that is guaranteed to be available for non-heap purposes.
jvm.memory.nonheap.used bytes (By) The current non-heap memory usage.
jvm.memory.pool.max bytes (By) The maximum amount of memory can be used for the memory pool.
jvm.memory.pool.used bytes (By) The current memory pool memory usage.
jvm.threads.count 1 The current number of threads.