Documentation forSolarWinds Observability

Upgrade the Java Library

Upgrade the Library

Upgrade the SolarWinds Observability Java Library using the process outlined in the installation instructions:

The most recent Java Library version and release date is   . See the Java Library release notes for details of the recent changes to the library.

Upgrade the SDK

The OTel Java SDK and SolarWinds Observability custom SDK are made available on Maven and gradle. To upgrade the OTel Java SDK or the SolarWinds Observability custom SDK, update the version number to match the bundled OTel agent or the SolarWinds Observability Java Library, respectively. For more information about the SDK options, see Java Library instrumentation SDK.

Upgrade the OTel Java SDK

The OTel Java SDK is made available on Maven with the group Id io.opentelemetry and artifact Id opentelemetry-api. To upgrade the SDK, update the version number to match the version number of the OTel agent bundled with the Java Library.

The most recent Java Library (  ) is based on the Java OTel agent version   . For older releases, see the release notes for the installed version of your Java Library or look for the INFO level log message [SolarWinds APM] Otel agent version: to determine the correct OTel agent version number.

Upgrade the SolarWinds Observability custom SDK

The custom SolarWinds Observability Java SDK for the SolarWinds Observability library is made available on Maven with the group Id io.github.appoptics and artifact Id solarwinds-otel-sdk. To upgrade the SDK, update the version number to match the version number of the SolarWinds Observability Java Library.

The most recent Java Library and custom SDK version and release date is   .