Documentation forSolarWinds Observability SaaS

Network Discoveries

To access the Network Discoveries page, click Settings in the left-hand navigation, and click Network Discoveries in the Feature Settings area.

The Network Discoveries page lists the results of Network Discoveries scheduled on your Network Collectors and Platform-connected SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted instances.

  • Review the discovery name and information about the schedule (frequency, status, last run).

  • See the overview of the discovery results in the Results column - how many new devices were discovered and how many changed.

Apply identified changes

To review the new or changed network devices or hosts, click the vertical ellipsis next to a discovery. Select one of the following options:

  • Review discovered Network Devices to review a list of changed/newly discovered devices and select devices for monitoring.

  • Review discovered Hosts to review a list of changed/newly discovered hosts and select hosts for monitoring.

  • Import all results to get all identified changes to SolarWinds Observability SaaS.

You can review individual changes and select what to monitor with SolarWinds Observability SaaS, on the Network Collector.

Manage discoveries

To edit a discovery, click the vertical ellipsis next to it and select Edit. See Add a network device You might need to re-define the credentials.

To schedule a discovery, click the vertical ellipsis next to it and select Edit. In the Add data wizard, go to the Discovery Settings step and set the Frequency. See details on scheduling discoveries.

To delete a discovery, click the vertical ellipsis next to it and select Remove.

To copy an existing discovery, click the vertical ellipsis next to it and select Clone. You can find a copy of the discovery in the discoveries list, the name ending with (copy). Edit the discovery.