Documentation forSolarWinds Observability

Simple Storage Service (S3) metrics

Amazon S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere – web sites and mobile apps, corporate applications, and data from IoT sensors or devices. Ensure your cloud platform is configured in SolarWinds Observability to collect this service's data. See Add an AWS cloud account. CloudWatch metrics must also be enabled for this service in the AWS Console for the metric data to be available.

Depending on the subscription pricing tier of your AWS account or its services, additional metrics may be available for this entity. To collect additional AWS metrics, enable Amazon S3 request metrics in CloudWatch.

Many of the collected metrics from AWS S3 entities are displayed as widgets in SolarWinds Observability explorers; additional metrics may be collected and available in the Metrics Explorer. You can also create an alert for when an entity's metric value moves out of a specific range. See Entities in SolarWinds Observability for information about entity types in SolarWinds Observability.

The following table lists some of the metrics collected for these entities. To see the AWS S3 metrics in the Metrics Explorer, type AWS.S3 in the search box.

Metric Units Description
sw.metrics.healthscore Percent (%)

Health score. A health score provides real-time insight into the overall health and performance of your monitored entities. The health score is calculated based on anomalies detected for the entity, alerts triggered for the entity's metrics, and the status of the entity. The health score is displayed as a single numerical value that ranges from a Good (70-100) to Moderate (40-69) to Bad (0-39) distinction.

To view the health score for AWS S3 entities in the Metrics Explorer, filter the sw.metrics.healthscore metric by entity_types and select awss3.

AWS.S3.4xxErrors Count

4xxErrors. The number of HTTP 4xx client error status code requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket with a value of either 0 or 1.


5xxErrors. The number of HTTP 5xx server error status code requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket with a value of either 0 or 1.

AWS.S3.AllRequests Count

AllRequests. The total number of HTTP requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket, regardless of type.

AWS.S3.BucketSizeBytes Binary Bytes

BucketSizeBytes. The amount of data that is stored in a bucket, in bytes.

AWS.S3.BytesDownloaded Binary Bytes

BytesDownloaded. The number of bytes downloaded for requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket where the response includes a body.

AWS.S3.BytesUploaded Binary Bytes

BytesUploaded. The number of bytes uploaded for requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket where the request includes a body.

AWS.S3.DeleteRequests Count

The number of HTTP DELETE requests made for objects in a bucket.


FirstByteLatency. The per-request time from the complete request being received by an Amazon S3 bucket to when the response starts to be returned.

AWS.S3.GetRequests Count

GetRequests. The number of HTTP GET requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket. This doesn't include list operations.

AWS.S3.HeadRequests Count

The number of HTTP HEAD requests made to a bucket.

AWS.S3.ListRequests Count

The number of HTTP requests that list the contents of a bucket.

AWS.S3.NumberOfObjects Count

NumberOfObjects. The total number of objects stored in a bucket for all storage classes. This value is calculated by counting all objects in the bucket (both current and noncurrent objects) and the total number of parts for all incomplete multipart uploads to the bucket.

AWS.S3.PostRequests Count

PostRequests. The number of HTTP POST requests made to an Amazon S3 bucket.

AWS.S3.PutRequests Count

PutRequests. The number of HTTP PUT requests made for objects in an Amazon S3 bucket.


TotalRequestLatency. The elapsed per-request time from the first byte received to the last byte sent to an Amazon S3 bucket. This metric includes the time taken to receive the request body and send the response body, which is not included in FirstByteLatency.