Azure cloud platform monitoring
To monitor Azure resources from your cloud platform, integrate SolarWinds Observability SaaS with your cloud account. To provide additional resource information, add the SolarWinds Observability Agent to your cloud platform.
Depending on the way your cloud platform or its
The metrics available may also depend on the subscription pricing tier of your cloud platform or its
See Overview of Event Hubs Premium for details about the Premium pricing tier for the Event Hub resources, and Configure processing units for a premium tier Azure Event Hubs namespace for how to set up your Event Hub namespace with the premium tier.
The exact pricing tier requirements and instructions may vary by Azure resource.
For a summary of your Azure accounts connected to SolarWinds Observability SaaS click Infrastructure in the left panel and click the Azure tab. The Infrastructure area overview shows the health of all Azure entities and a summary table of your connected accounts, as well as other widgets that offer quick insights into your monitored Azure resources. Azure resources that provide cloud hosting are also summarized alongside other hosts in the Infrastructure area overview. See Host monitoring.
Metrics for Azure entities are also available as widgets in the Entity Explorer, meanwhile metrics for other Azure resources that are not entities can be found in pre-built dashboards. Azure resources that provide cloud hosting can also be found under the host category in the Entity Explorer.
Azure entities
When the following Azure resources are enabled in the Azure integration, an entity is created in SolarWinds Observability SaaS.
- Azure API Management Service
- Azure App Service
- Azure Application Gateway
- Azure Blob Storage
- Azure Cache for Redis
- Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise
- Azure Container Instances Group
- Azure Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
- Azure Cosmos DB
- Azure Disk Storage
- Azure DNS Zone
- Azure Event Hubs
- Azure ExpressRoute Gateway
- Azure Files
- Azure FrontDoor
- Azure Functions
- Azure Key Vault
- Azure Load Balancer
- Azure Logic App
- Azure MySQL Flexible Server
- Azure NAT Gateway
- Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server
- Azure Private DNS Zone
- Azure Service Bus
- Azure SQL Database
- Azure Traffic Manager
- Azure Virtual Machine (VM)
- Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set
- Azure Virtual Networks (VNets)
- Azure VPN Gateway
Entities are created for each Azure resource, and the display name of these entities are the Azure storage account names. However, Azure storage accounts can contain multiple resources. As a result, the Entity Explorer contains two entities with identical names for the Azure Blob Storage and Azure Files entity types.
Other Azure resources
Entities are not created for all Azure resources, but data may still be collected. When the following Azure resources are enabled in the Azure integration, metric data is consumed and available in the Metrics Explorer. The metrics can also be added to custom dashboards and are included in some pre-built dashboards.
- Azure Network Interfaces
- Azure Public IP Addresses
- Azure Storage
Azure widgets
In addition to standard visualizations of Azure resource metric data, the following widgets display detailed insights into your cloud accounts.
On the Overview tab, the Details widget shows different information, depending on the specific type of Azure cloud account selected in the Entity Explorer. Details may include cloud provider, account IDs and status, the native state, tags, and more.
Azure VMs
The Azure VMs widget shows a visual summary of the health state and names of your Azure VM instances.
Azure VMs Active Alerts
The Azure VMs Active Alerts widget shows an overview of the active alerts triggered by Azure VM instances, categorized by severity. Active alerts are alerts that have been triggered but not cleared. This includes acknowledged alerts.
Azure VMs Health
The Azure VMs Health widget shows the overall health and performance of all of your Azure VM instances. The health displays as a number based on the number of instances. To view individual monitored Azure VM hosts and their details in the Entity Explorer, click the widget title or click the vertical ellipsis in the upper-right corner of the widget and select View all Azure VM hosts.
Metrics Ingested
The Metrics Ingested widget shows the number of metrics monitored within your Azure hosts.
No. of Accounts
The No. of Accounts widget shows the number of accounts within your Azure hosts.
The Regions widget shows the number of regions used within your Azure hosts.
Service Types
The Services widget shows the number of services used within your Azure hosts.
Azure alert templates
You can use pre-filled alert templates to create alerts related to your Azure entities.
You can