Documentation forSolarWinds Observability SaaS

Troubleshoot NetPath

Data is not available for this period

If you see "Data is not available for this period" in the Graph widget, you have to wait for the first data to be processed. If it is the first job on a new probe, the job start might be delayed.

If the message is displayed for a long time, increase the Polling Interval. See Edit a NetPath configuration.

If the issue persists, review the logs and search for issues with dependency configurations. Logs locations:

  • Windows: %ProgramData%\SolarWinds\UAMSClient\log\plugins\netpath-probe\

  • Linux: /var/log/solarwinds/uamsclient/plugins/netpath-probe

No probe was found for this endpoint

If you see “No probe was found for this endpoint” in the Graph widget, your NetPath probe has not been found in the Agents list. The assigned probe was probably deleted.

  1. If you deployed a new probe, wait a few seconds and try to refresh the page.

Graph time chart non-periodic polling

If you see gaps in polling on the time chart in the Graph widget, complete the following actions:

  • Go to Settings > Agents, expand the machine hosting the Agent, and restart the netpath-probe plugin. See Start, stop, or restart plugins.

  • Ensure that the number of endpoints per probe is not more than 10-15.